Student's sweet card brings World War II veteran to tears

Student's Touching Card Brings WW2 Veteran To Tears
Student's Touching Card Brings WW2 Veteran To Tears

An elementary school student's touching card brought a World War Two veteran to tears.

In recognition of the 70th anniversary of D-Day, 125 World War II soldiers took a trip to the D-Day memorial in Bedford, Virginia. Upon their return, they received a hero's welcome from locals. One of those soldiers was 91-year-old Stanley Krzywonos.

Krzywonos and the other veterans didn't expect what happened on the bus ride home: they received letters of thanks from local elementary school students. Krzywonos was so moved by his letter, WFMY arranged for a meeting with its author.

Krzywonos said that the real heroes were the soldiers who died that day 70 years earlier on the beach, but the overwhelming thanks he received made him feel like maybe he could be one, too.
