Military drill sends artillery shell into Arkansas community


Military Drill Sends Artillery Shell Flying Into Ark. Community
Military Drill Sends Artillery Shell Flying Into Ark. Community

An Arkansas man came home and found part of his house torn apart. The source of the damage? An artillery shell.

KATV reports, "The 129th Field Artillery Regiment of Maryville, Missouri was conducting an exercise at Fort Chaffee when the incident occurred." The artillery shell was 155mm, which is a standard explosive for the U.S. Army.

You could reportedly fit your fists in the holes it created.

KFSM has footage of the owner of the home, Bryan Martin, explaining what he found. "We didn't know what happened. We thought it looked like somebody came through with a bulldozer."

There were no injuries, but Martin says it was a close call that could have cost lives.

Times Record reports Fort Chaffee released a statement saying safety is its highest priority. "As Arkansans who live and work in the surrounding communities, we are very passionate about ensuring this type of incident never happens again."

Reports say the government will compensate Martin for the damage, and investigators are still trying to figure out the source of the mistake.
