Hillary Clinton's endless media tour is starting


The Huffington Post By Katherine Fung

Get ready to see much, much, much more of Hillary Clinton in the media.

Clinton's new memoir "Hard Choices" is coming out this week, and the former Secretary of State and First Lady is doing a ton of interviews on her book tour. The round of interviews kicks off Monday night witha special with Diane Sawyer. That will be followed by sit-downs with NBC News, CBS News and Fox News and a town hall with CNN.

One big question, of course: what will everyone talk about? It seems like every major news organization has already gotten its hands on "Hard Choices." The Associated Press, the New York Times, CBS News and Politico have already spent days reviewing the book and picking over its choicest cuts. (Most of the reviews have called it a little dull.) And ABC News has been exploiting its exclusive to the hilt, releasing daily clips of its interview on all of its shows.

Even if she doesn't make a ton of news, though, Clinton will still sell a huge pile of books and keep herself in the 2016 conversation. And the media will be happy to help.
