Impressive 'pool alley-ooping' dunk goes viral

Basketball Players Impress With Amazing Choreographed Pool Dunk
Basketball Players Impress With Amazing Choreographed Pool Dunk

Connor Pyles and his friends had one goal: film a video of the most impressive 'pool alley-ooping' possible.

Connor explained that this video "was filmed on May 24, 2014 over Memorial Day Weekend. It took us close to an hour to prepare and get everyone's shots ready."

All that preparation was definitely worth it, as the video quickly went viral. The main question in the comments? How long did it take them to hit this perfectly?

"We believe the final count was 22 takes," Connor explained. "It was the first semi-warm weekend that we had and we really just wanted to be the first of the year. Our main goal was just to be on Deadspin, but we never imagined it to take off like it did. We plan to make a sequel very soon."
