Pulitzer prize-winning reporter reprimanded during interview

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Reporter Reprimanded During Interview
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Reporter Reprimanded During Interview

Taking notes during interviews can be a tedious practice, but it's better than being called out for just pretending to take notes.

That's what happened to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nigel Jaquiss during a panel interview for Portland's Willamette Week. He was called out by Mark Callahan, an Oregon Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.

Jaquiss wrote down "blah blah blah" when another candidate's response got a little lengthy.

"He got nabbed by another candidate. 'You want to talk about disrespect?'"
"You just wrote down 'blah blah blah blah blah' after everything that Jo Rae said."'

But that's not where the feud between Jaquiss and Callahan ended. Things only seemed to get worse over the next couple of minutes, even after they tried to move on. Here's Willamette Week:

'Climate change, do you believe it's a myth or a reality?' 'It's a myth.'
'Where are you on the Easter Bunny?' '
'How about you ask a serious and respectful question?'

It's safe to say Callahan wasn't enjoying the interview, and he was asked to leave not long after.

On his Facebook page, Callahan posted the video of the interview and defended his actions saying, "I stand by what I did as being the right thing to do." He also called the interview panel "disrespectful, thin-skinned liberals."

Jaquiss confirmed he wrote 'blah, blah, blah.' He told the New York Daily News, "When Ms. Perkins then insisted on answering a question about the Affordable Care Act, I found her answer non-responsive - she veered off ... and I did write 'blah, blah, blah.'"

Willamette Week posted the entire interview for all to see. The publication defended its actions and joked that when it asked Callahan to leave, "our 'thin-skinned liberal' editors helpfully pointed the direction in which Callahan might find the door."

And believe it or not, Willamette Week, which planned to endorse a candidate after the interview, gave it to a different Republican. Who would've thought Callahan wouldn't be their guy?
