Which airlines ranked best for 2013?

Which Airlines Ranked Best for 2013?
Which Airlines Ranked Best for 2013?

The results are in! The "Today" show tells us which airline is flying highest with consumers.

'The report rates Virgin America the best airline in the country followed by JetBlue and Hawaiian Airlines. American Eagle and Skywest scored as the worst.'

The Airline Quality Rating report is based on flyers' monthly feedback for 2013. Fox News has more on how the airlines were scored.

Fox News reports 'Researchers from Wichita State University and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University compiled the data. They looked at bag-handling issues, on-time performance, bumping and flight complaints.'

Virgin America is no stranger to the top spot. The airline was also ranked the best last year based on 2012 scores.

Mashable pointed out a bit of a surprise in the fourth spot.

'Delta's strong performance is a surprise, as the large carrier has been able to maintain a high ranking against smaller carriers.'

The report says overall satisfaction with the U.S. airline industry is up, despite lower scores in two of the four areas.

According to CNN, on-time performance for U.S. airlines dipped roughly three percent and the number of mishandled bags per 1,000 passengers slightly increased.

The Airline Quality Rating has been conducted every year since 1991.
