Miss. church pranks congregation with George W. Bush impersonator

Miss. Church Pranks Congregation with George W. Bush Impersonator
Miss. Church Pranks Congregation with George W. Bush Impersonator

Even a church in Mississippi got in on the action with a little help from a famous face. Here's HLN with the details.

'A church in Laurel advertised for weeks that they would have a special guest. Well, it turns out the special guest was the president there to spread a biblical message.'

Okay, that quick glimpse might have looked a lot like former President George W. Bush, but it's actually this guy, John Morgan, a Bush impersonator who, according to this YouTube video description, is "amazingly gifted" with the former president's looks, mannerisms and speech patterns.

Morgan told The Clarion-Ledger the Bethlehem Community Church never explicitly said George W. Bush would be attending.

'It seems to work best when there's no clue given as to who the guest is, and it's just billed as a mystery guest. Nobody wants to miss out on seeing who the special guest is.'

Although it never actually said the former president would stop by, the church did go to some extreme measures to make the prank look real, including lining the entrance to the church with American flags and hiring men to fill the shoes of Secret Service agents. The whole act definitely had some churchgoers fooled.

'So you thought it was him the whole time?'

'Yeah. We did.'

Others were a little quicker on the uptake.

'He looked just like him, talked just like him, but when the sign went up it gave me a little clue.'

We have to admit, that was a pretty good prank. Well done, Bethlehem Community Church.
