Woman can't believe what crawled out of her backpack after vacation


Woman Finds Huge Venomous Spider In Bag After Trip
Woman Finds Huge Venomous Spider In Bag After Trip

This may be the freakiest way to end a vacation.

A woman in London returned home from a backpacking trip in Cameroon only to find THIS crawl out of her bag.

It's a huntsman spider and it's venomous. And that little pillow she's sitting on? Those are her 400 babies wrapped up nicely beneath her, accordingto the Evening Standard. Yes, a pregnant, venomous spider taken out of its natural habitat.

The woman, 31-year-old NoraSerrat, reportedly picked up the spider sometime during her two week stay in the rainforest. The body of a huntsman spider measures about an inch and half, and the legs? This momma arachnid reached a foot!

The spider, which has been named Hermione, crawled out of the woman's backpack while she was at work. Fortunately, she works with some brave people and a few coworkers actually managed to catch it in a box.

Thespider, and every fearful soul around it, were unharmed in the incident and the soon-to-be mother was transferred to the London Zoo.