'Little Couple' finally get to meet their daughter

'The Little Couple': Little Will Meets His Sister Zoey
'The Little Couple': Little Will Meets His Sister Zoey

After more than a year of dedicated planning and anxious waiting, the one-hour premier of the 'Little Couple' followed the couple as they left for India to pick up their daughter, Zoey, from India.

With their three-year old son Will along for the (very long) ride, the family had no idea that they would face their biggest challenges in the midst of their happiest moment.

After 20 hours of travel, the family arrived in the bustling city of Mumbai. Unlike Will's adoption, Jen and Bill had very little information regarding Zoey's health, and weren't quite sure how she would look.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived as the couple entered their hotel room and Will spotted Zoey for the first time. He could hardly contain his excitement and even jostled for position to see her face. Zoey was scared and crying, but when Will touched her foot, then leaned down to kiss it, her cries were soothed and our hearts melted. Jen couldn't hold back, and she began to cry.

The trip took an unexpected turn when Jen fell ill and returned to Texas, leaving Bill in a foreign country with two young children in order to complete the adoption.

Upon Jen's return from India, she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and immediately began to battle the disease.

Despite her condition, life at home with two toddlers didn't slow down. While Jen underwent weekly chemotherapy treatments, Bill stepped up his role as 'Mr. Mom,' and both worked to strengthen their bond with Zoey.

Just can't get enough? Here's another overview of the show:

'The Little Couple' Pick Up 2-Year-Old Daughter From India
'The Little Couple' Pick Up 2-Year-Old Daughter From India
