Elderly Fla. woman behind bars for feeding wild animals

Elderly Fla. Woman Behind Bars for Feeding Wild Animals
Elderly Fla. Woman Behind Bars for Feeding Wild Animals

There are people who love animals and then there are people who really love animals. 'Fox & Friends' tells us about a Florida woman who is certainly the latter.

'An elderly woman in Florida [is] back in jail for feeding wild animals. She was arrested before for feeding bears. Police now say the 81-year-old left bread out for crows.'

According to WFTS, Mary Musselman of Sebring, Florida, was first warned back in November not to feed black bears roaming her neighborhood. Despite giving her educational videos, officers caught her twice continuing to feed the bears, and she was arrested in December.

It might sound pretty harmless, but Buzz:60 explains why the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission says it's actually life or death for these bears.

'An FWC spokesperson says the phrase 'a fed bear is a dead bear' is unfortunately true. Meaning that feeding the animals makes them more comfortable around humans and that can lead to euthanization.'

After putting Musselman on probation for feeding the bears, the judge warned her she'd face jail time if she continued to feed wild animals.

WTVT reports Musselman did just that. Except this time, she was leaving out bread for crows, prompting officers to issue a new arrest warrant.

Musselman appeared in court March 3rd. A medical evaluation revealed she suffers from both Alzheimer's disease and dementia. WTVT says Musselman will remain in jail until a more complete mental evaluation can be done.
