The secret to never paying full price again

The Secret to Never Paying Full Price Again
The Secret to Never Paying Full Price Again

Nobody wants to pay more for things than we have to ... and Teri Gault simply refuses to.

In a hidden camera report, Gault, CEO of the Grocery Game, showed Inside Edition all her top tricks. She's a buying expert who manages to get on-the-spot discounts on everything she purchases, and her tactics are nothing new.

Her first tip is very simple: be nice! Make salespeople want to help you. You catch more bees with honey -- and you can get more of a deal with a smile and a laugh.

If the sales staff won't budge, try tip number two: ask to see a manager. That has worked for Gault time and time again.

When all of the above doesn't work, tip number three is about as basic as it gets: be patient. Don't be afraid to walk out of the store if you can't get the discount you want, and don't leave with an attitude.

It all comes down to this: if you don't ask, you don't get. Don't be shy, just get out there and haggle.

Do you have any tried-and-true money saving tricks? Share them in the comments below!
