Man tries to sell girlfriend on eBay for not doing housework

Man Tries to Sell Girlfriend on EBay for Not Doing Housework
Man Tries to Sell Girlfriend on EBay for Not Doing Housework

We all have those times when we wish we could pawn our loved ones off on other people because they're making us crazy ... but one British man took things a step further.

'A man tries to sell his girlfriend on eBay because she doesn't do housework. Over 50 people bid,' 'Fox & Friends' explains.

What? Is that even allowed?

eBay's website lists more than 50 things that are prohibited from being sold -- including driver's licenses, weapons and real estate. But an actual human being isn't among the 'items' listed.

Just to be safe, though, Shaun Coles did take down his ad. ITV spoke with Coles, who says the sale of his girlfriend, Debbie Moran, was just a joke.

'I wouldn't really sell her for anything,' he said(though that doesn't sound all that convincing).

Although Moran will surely make Coles grovel, she says she still loves him.'I know he didn't do it maliciously because he's not like that,' she said.

Even though the whole thing was a joke, someone actually bid $1,180 for Moran! A reporter for The Daily Dot said: 'If selling your girlfriend on eBay, even as a joke, is how you celebrate a six-year relationship, we don't want to even think about what the seven-year-itch will involve.'

We have to say we agree.
