Vows: Finding Love, Again

Vows: Finding Love, Again, After Cancer
Vows: Finding Love, Again, After Cancer

Anne Tarbell and William Marden III each lost their longtime spouses to cancer in 2010. Starting over again was difficult and daunting, but they adopted the mantra 'life is for living.'

Anne's husband died after about three months, while Bill's beloved wife lost her battle after four years. 'Dating at 52 after decades of being married to one person in a very happy marriage was frightening,' Anne explains.

Bill said the 'whole city lit up' when he saw Anne walking toward him. He doesn't recall what they ate or talked about, but he remembers that when they said goodbye, the concept of 'next' came up.

'Somehow, I left with the feeling that there would be a next time, and that was the most uplifting, most emotionally gratifying [thing],' Bill said, quickly growing emotional.

Bill taught Anne how to ride a bike. They got a tandem (Bill leading, Anne at the back) and put the date and their late spouses' initials on it.

'I think you can have two loves in your life,' Anne says. 'I certainly have.'
