Turkish special forces try to break down door, end up knocking

Turkish Special Forces Try to Break Down Door, End Up Knocking?
Turkish Special Forces Try to Break Down Door, End Up Knocking?

'Good Morning America' has a rather embarrassing video of Turkish special forces trying to raid a suspect's house.

'Turkish special forces were conducting a raid on a suspect's house, using [a] battering ram, trying to knock that door down to no avail, so they finally give up and they knock,' 'GMA' reported.

Of course, the media's having fun with this one. One headline said the police had been beaten by a door. Ouch.

After the assumed knock, which isn't shown on camera, the man inside simply opened the door.

Redditors are chiming in, noting that was a very solid door ... and that sometimes all you have to do is be nice!

Daily Mail says the door might have been steel-reinforced, which, as you can imagine, would be incredibly hard to knock down.

Not much is known about the events surrounding the incident, such as why the house was even being searched in the first place.
