Charlie Sheen is 'Tonight Show's' most-canceled guest

Charlie Sheen Is 'Tonight Show's' Most-Canceled Guest
Charlie Sheen Is 'Tonight Show's' Most-Canceled Guest

Charlie Sheen dropped by 'The Tonight Show' and said it was incredibly sad. The visit was his last time on the show with Jay Leno.

The two reminisced about Charlie's first appearance on the show back in 1993 -- and Jay called him one of the show's favorite guests. But he's also the guest who's canceled on the show the most.

JAY: 'Charlie would call at the last minute, and I think you had ...'
CHARLIE: 'Wow, I'm being outed.'
JAY: 'You had your wisdom teeth pulled four times!'
CHARLIE: 'I know. That would mean...'
JAY: 'Well, that was the fun part, because you would call and someone would go, 'He's ... he's having his wisdom teeth pulled again.'

Charlie also recalled a time he staged a car accident and sent Jay a picture to cancel. Most the cancellations were because Charlie partied too hard to show up. Jay said he had to thank Charlie, though -- because without him, Jay couldn't have made so many jokes about the actor in his monologues. They then played a montage of jokes from over the years.

There are even more big guests set for Leno's final shows over the next couple of weeks. Leno's last few episodes will include visits from Betty White, Sandra Bullock, Matthew McConaughey, Blake Shelton and Charles Barkley.

His final guest will be the same as his first when he took over the show back in 1992, Billy Crystal.
