Aries season 2024 horoscopes: How your sign will be affected

Tonje Thilesen for TODAY

A time of beginnings is upon us — astrologically speaking, that is.

The first day of Aries season, March 19, is also the start of the astrological new year and the spring equinox.

Aries, a cardinal fire sign, is known for its passion, desire and intense energy. Those born under the ram are thought to be confident, bold and determined. Aries' spark of fire often leads to a competitive energy, as people in this sign have a constant desire to win.

Read on for horoscopes.

What are the dates of Aries season in 2024?

The sun enter Aries at 11:06 pm E.T. on March 19, and stays there until April 19.

What to expect this Aries season

Before heading into individual horoscopes, let's take a look at what else is happening in the cosmos this month, and how it may impact the collective.

Action planet Mars will enter Pisces on March 22, slowing our momentum. During this time, focus on strategizing rather than jumping into action.

The lunar eclipse in Libra will take place on March 25, prompting us to reflect on our commitments and partnerships.

Afterwards, from April 1 to 25, Mercury retrograde will commence in Aries, resulting in possible communication problems, travel delays and technological malfunctions. During most of April, prioritize thinking before speaking and remember to back up important information stored your devices.

On April 5, Venus also enters Aries, encouraging us to pursue our passions and chase the romantic dream we desire most.

Finally, the solar eclipse in Aries occurs on April 8, marking a time of significant change. Remain calm and focus on what is truly important.

Here’s how Aries season may affect your zodiac sign


Before finding a middle ground in partnerships, think about how much you're willing to give and compromise? Where will you stand firm? Even though you’re not comfortable with compromising, think about doing so this month


Don't let other people's agendas hinder you from pursuing your goals. Keep your eye on your dreams — after all, they're yours. You, and only you, are responsible are them. Stay grounded and committed to achieving what you want.


Don’t neglect your friends. They've been there for you in the past, so check up on them regularly. Listen to their concerns with empathy and offer your support in return. These are the connections that will sustain you during your times of need.


In the coming month, it will seem like the weight of the entire world is resting on your shoulders. Take some time to reflect and evaluate all the tasks at hand to avoid overburdening yourself. Maintaining balance is as important as getting it all done.


You’ve been working tirelessly. Now, give yourself a break. Taking a weekend off to disconnect and rejuvenate is crucial. This is a month to focus on recuperating and recharging. You'll be raring to go again soon.


Towards the end of the Aries season, focus on your finances. It's time to make an assessment of where you stand financially. This kind of honesty can be hard or uncomfortable, but it can lead to positive changes.


While you typically avoid confrontations, you may have a strong desire to express your emotions month. Be wise before fully unleashing yourself. Remember, your words have consequences.


Be sensitive to the needs of others and express yourself in a compassionate and understanding way. Providing honey instead of vinegar in your interactions can go a long way in building stronger relationships.


Make time for your relationships. Try to find a new shared interest or hobby. It will open up a whole new playground for exploration and fun.


In the weeks ahead, you'll have to focus your energies on your home life and family matters. You might rather be working, but you have important obligations calling.


There are two sides of every story — and then there's the truth, somewhere in between. Avoid letting your emotions blind you to the fact that much is at work at any given situation. There's no such thing as black and white.


You’ll be feeling confident and powerful in the weeks ahead, prompting you to venture out of your comfort zone. Do something scary. It might not even seem that frightening to you anymore.

Disclaimer: Astrology is not based in science. This post is not intended to act as a directive.

This article was originally published on
