Ariana Grande Takes Her Barbie Look to TikTok and Fans Think This Is Her Best Hairstyle Yet

ariana grande barbie hair
Fans Think Ariana’s Barbie Look Is Her Best YetNBC - Getty Images

It's been five weeks since Ariana Grande went all out blonde and if the color alone wasn't enough to delight us for this season, the star is now using the shade to really play with the cutest aesthetics and quite simply, we are here. for. it. Or as one fan put it; "This blonde Ari era is just on another level 😻😻"

She just posted a video to TikTok talking about her new fragrance duo Mod Vanilla and Mod Blush, also shared to Instagram by her MUA Ash K Holm (killing it as always). And while there was plenty of excitement for the fragrances in the comments, fans on both apps were really losing it over their bestie's sugar, spice and all things nice festive half-up hairstyle.

It's giving Ski Lodge Barbie and now all we want to be doing is eating fondu in the mountains with Ariana Grande.

Ari's long blonde hair was an understated natural length and fullness, while the half-up pony had a deep side part and was tied with the most autumnal, delicious, chocolate brown XL bow. While it's hard to get a good look at it, just wait for her hair flick, revealing the bow has satiny tails almost as long as the hair.

The comments were absolutely filled with the purest fan-girling telling the star; "ur literally a princess", "Living for blonde Ariana" and a nice shouty, "YOUR HAIR LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL" and a personal favourite of mine; "Blondiana is everything we need."

While sadly Mod Blush and Mod Vanilla aren't available in the UK yet, we can still enjoy this delicious campaign for them. Courtesy of Blondiana.

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