AOC trashes ‘white supremacist’ Trump after his failure to denounce racist supporters

AOC to America: we told you so.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) called President Trump a racist after his epic debate meltdown -- and boasted that she has been saying so for the longest.

“Our country elected a (white) supremacist as President,” she wrote. “This is fascism at our door.”

AOC suggested she was disgusted by Trump’s refusal to condemn his racist supporters under questioning by debate moderator Chris Wallace.

But unlike millions of Americans, the firebrand lawmaker said she wasn’t surprised by Trump’s outrageous reaction.

“People have been warning about this for a long time,” AOC wrote. “They were ridiculed, called hyperbolic & radical not (because) they were wrong, but (because) others couldn’t accept that.”

Trump’s stubborn refusal to condemn his racist supporters stood out as one of the most disastrous moments in one of the most chaotic presidential debates, to date.

Even as Democratic rival Joe Biden condemned violence from both political extremes, Trump insisted that left-wing protesters are primarily to blame.

Wallace even offered Trump a potential path out of the debate dead end when he prompted Trump to tell his far right-wing allies to “stand down.”

Instead of accepting Wallace’s challenge, Trump said his message to the Proud Boys was to “stand back and stand by," before denouncing leftist protesters whom he blamed for all the violence.

The Proud Boys represents a male-only group that describes themselves as “western chauvinists,” and they have been known to incite street violence.

As many commentators on both sides of the aisle note, that amounts to a repeat of Trump’s blunder from the days after the white nationalist violence in Charlottesville, Virginia when he infamously said there are “very fine people on both sides.”
