Worried about computer viruses? Here’s the extra layer of protection your PC needs

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Happy kid girl, young mother, older grandmother using digital devices, laptop, tablet, making video call, watching movie online, reading book. Three family female generations using electronic gadgets
True to its name, AOL Tech Fortress protects your computer and the programs your family uses. It's the ultimate in antivirus software. (Photo: Getty) (fizkes via Getty Images)

Ever hear the phrase “spread like a virus”? We quite literally witnessed it the past few years. Like biological viruses, computer viruses also have a knack for spreading like wildfire. However, their modus operandi is to copy their codes copiously into other programs with one malicious goal: to infect as many computers as possible.

In short, it’s easy to acquire a computer virus whose sole purpose is to steal your personal information. That’s why it’s important to invest in a strong antivirus program and keep it up to date. But experts are now learning that’s not enough. As malicious programs — viruses, malware, ransomware — morph and change, new strains become undetectable to traditional antivirus software.

That’s why AOL Tech Fortress exists. This super software can recognize never-seen-before malware and other viruses that would go undetected by the traditional antivirus program you already have installed.

Try AOL Tech Fortress free* for 30 days

Woman smiling while writing notes and looking at laptop
Hackers use viruses to make their way into every program you use, whether it's a video-calling application or an online store. (Photo: Getty) (Chaay_Tee via Getty Images)

AOL Tech Fortress divides and conquers. Instead of just monitoring your programs across the board, it uses a patented method of isolating and containing each program on your computer in order to protect it from any new and emerging threats it's vulnerable to. It can work in conjunction with your current antivirus software or all on its own.

Just how vulnerable are your computer programs to malicious activity? Well, there’s been an 87% increase in malware infections in the past decade. Ransomware does about $5 billion in damages in the U.S. each year. About half of all viral computer infections sneak in under the radar disguised as harmless emails. It’s pretty easy to catch a computer virus. AOL Tech Fortress proactively fortifies your device against an attack — it’s got all your bases covered 24/7.

Most antivirus programs scan your programs for viruses, but AOL Tech Fortress doesn’t need to scan or update to recognize cyber threats. It’s monitoring things non-stop. AOL Tech Fortress is designed to give you the freedom to bank, shop, stream videos, use social media — all of the things you love to do online, totally worry-free. Even if you accidentally click the wrong link and land on a site you shouldn’t have, AOL Tech Fortress is the bodyguard that will lead you back to safety.

Worried AOL Tech Fortress will slow down your computer? No need. While it’s true that running too many background programs at once is a notorious culprit when it comes to slowing down your system, AOL Tech Fortress doesn’t qualify for that category. It does this huge job, 24-hour threat monitoring, while being virtually undetectable. It will not interfere with your load times or WiFi speed.

AOL Tech Fortress
Baby Boomers are more tech-savvy than ever before, and they're also even more cautious. (Photo: Getty) (fizkes via Getty Images)

Since pandemic lockdowns became a reality, we’ve all changed our relationship with technology. That includes Baby Boomers, the generation not born into a connected world, who are relying on tech more than ever before. No doubt hackers are paying attention to these stats — seniors are watching more streaming TV, owning more smartphones, doing more online banking — and changing their own strategies in lockstep.

But Boomers are also the generation most concerned about their online safety — studies prove it — so investing in a one-stop shop for online security just makes sense. And AOL Tech Fortress is risk-free for a month, so you really have a lot more to lose without it.

Try AOL Tech Fortress free* for 30 days
