Ahmed out to repay Leics for allowing trip to Mecca

Rehan Ahmed in action for Leicestershire
Rehan Ahmed has taken 18 wickets in four Tests for England [Getty Images]

England spin bowler Rehan Ahmed says he is determined to repay Leicestershire for allowing him to miss games this season to complete a religious journey to Mecca.

The 19-year-old was given two weeks off club duties to embark on Umrah, a pilgrimage to the holy city in Saudi Arabia.

Ahmed, who is the youngest male cricketer to play for England in all formats of the game, said both his club side and national team bosses supported the solo trip he made.

“Leaving Leicestershire for two weeks and coming straight back into the team is a privilege,” he told BBC Radio Leicester.

“Whenever I do play, I try give as much as I can and I respect them a lot for allowing me to go.”

Ahmed has previously spoken about how important his Muslim faith is to him and how it has kept him humble after a record-breaking rise to the international stage.

He says religion has kept him "calm in big moments" on the pitch, and that it has "only put me in a better place".

"I realised cricket is not everything," Ahmed said.

"I love it, but it's not everything, and religion is always bigger. And there are always bigger things than cricket - it's taught me to be relaxed when I play."

Ahmed said he had previously made the pilgrimage to Mecca with his brother and cousins, but his latest journey was made alone.

"I love it there, it's so peaceful - it's like my happy place," Ahmed said.

"Every time I have the opportunity, I always want to go back and I reckon that is the only place where I’d skip cricket for."

Ahmed was part of England's Test team that toured India during the British winter, and took 11 wickets in three matches before leaving because of an urgent family matter.

He has featured in three of Leicestershire's five County Championship Division Two matches so far this term, claiming four wickets and producing a knock of 85 in their draw against Northamptonshire.
