‘He abused me all over Saturday Night Live,’ Horatio Sanz accuser claims

NEW YORK — The unidentified woman accusing former “Saturday Night Live” comic Horatio Sanz of sexual assault told the Daily Beast that NBC also bears responsibility for what she said happened to her at an afterparty for the show when she was 17 and again on a later occasion.

“Horatio certainly is the main character here, but he didn’t abuse me in a vacuum,” the woman identified as a Jane Doe claimed. “He abused me all over ‘Saturday Night Live.’”

The alleged victim said Sanz and former cast mate Jimmy Fallon reached out to her when she was 15 to thank her for creating an “SNL” fan page. Jane Doe claims that led to her becoming a regular guest of Sanz’s at the show’s after-parties, where she openly used drugs and alcohol.

A lawsuit against Sanz was filed in August 2021.

The woman says Sanz first presented himself as a mentor of sorts, then started asking her for photographs. According to the alleged victim, those requests became increasingly graphic.

The Daily Beast said it spoke to two of Jane Doe’s friends, who corroborated accusations in her lawsuit with their own experiences. One of the woman’s friends said she attended an “SNL” party where her friend, Sanz and Fallon hung out together. Another of Jane Doe’s pals saved what she says were electronic exchanges she had with Sanz in which he spoke of partying with the alleged victim.

The lawsuit against Sanz allegedly includes a written confession from the comedian to the plaintiff in which he is said to have told her, “If you want to metoo me you have every right.”

Sanz’s attorney calls the “ludicrous accusations” against his client “categorically false” and claims the “totally meritless” charges are about money.

Jane Doe said she find it especially disheartening that Fallon — her former idol — shared an office with Sanz and witnessed interactions between the alleged victim and the funnyman. To what extent Fallon was aware of Sanz “sexting” her, she said she would like to know.

Attorneys for NBC and Fallon declined to comment on the active lawsuit.

