9 Signs You’re Happy in Your Career
Although no one is happy at their job all day every day, some of us have it better than others when it comes to job satisfaction -- and you may be happier at your job than you even realize.
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GOBankingRates spoke with career experts to find out the telltale signs that you're happy in your career -- see how many of these apply to you.
You Lose Track of Time During the Workday
One sign that you're happy at your job is that "you don't feel like you are incarcerated and awaiting release at 5," said Sai Blackbyrn, CEO at Coach Foundation. "People who despise their employment typically can't wait to go because they believe happiness can only be found outside of the workplace."
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You Feel Engaged During Meetings
"You appreciate meetings because they give you a chance to interact with your co-workers, and because making choices and improvements together as a team is something you enjoy doing," Blackbyrn said.
You're Motivated To Go Beyond Your Job Description
"If you put your hand up for extra work, ask your co-workers if you can help them with something, or often stretch beyond your comfort zone, then you're not confined to the immediate job description and are motivated in your job," said Smita D. Jain, a personal empowerment life coach.
You Love Talking About What You Do
"When you're in a career you enjoy, you will want to talk about it with the same indefatigable enthusiasm as some people talk about their favorite football team," Jain said.
You Don't Dread Mondays
"If you are consistently getting up on Monday mornings looking forward to your workday, then congratulations -- you are in the career meant for you," Jain said.
You Feel Challenged
"Though we might not like to admit it, humans need a healthy challenge to feel interested and engaged with their work," said Max Wesman, founder of GoodHire. "Whether that means pouring countless hours or even having to start from scratch, you don't mind; in fact, you love the process of learning, improving and refining. When you're happy in your career, the end result makes all that hard work worth it."
Your Only Job Complaints Are Trivial
"Complaining about work with co-workers or friends is a social activity and a form of bonding, and just because you take part in it doesn't mean you're unhappy in your career," said Jon Hill, CEO of The Energists, an executive search and recruiting firm. "More important are the types of complaints you have and how those issues make you feel. If the only complaints you have about work are pet peeves and minor annoyances, especially if they mostly involve co-worker or customer/client interactions, then it's likely you're pretty happy in your current career."
You Identify With Your Company's Mission
"If you believe in the company mission and your employer truly embodies its mission and values, it can make your work feel especially rewarding," said Amanda Augustine, career expert with TopResume. "When you can connect your work back to the corporate goals, its mission or the positive impact it makes on your customers, you'll be happy to head to work."
You're Happy in Your Personal Life
"Being happy in your career can have significant positive effects on your personal life," said Vicki Salemi, career expert with Monster. "[When you're happy in your career], you're probably happier in general. Conversely, if you've been in a toxic work situation, you know how abysmal that can be and how that has the potential to absolutely deflate your entire well-being, both at work and outside of work. In a happy place in your career, you're likely more joyful to be around and have a much higher quality of life."
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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: 9 Signs You’re Happy in Your Career