9 Emmerdale spoilers for next week

Emmerdale spoilers follow.

In next week's Emmerdale episodes, Chas's relatives receive their gene test results, and Aaron lies about his.

Meanwhile, Tom sabotages Belle's new job, and Amit plots against Eric.

Here are the 9 big moments to watch out for.

1. Cain, Caleb and Aaron get their results

moira, cain dingle, emmerdale

The moment arrives when Cain, Caleb and Aaron prepare to open their results. Moira is relieved when Cain tests negative for the faulty BRCA2 gene, but he feels guilty about his good fortunes compared to Chas.

Caleb is glad to test negative, meaning Nicky is also in the clear.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Aaron's crushed to realise he has inherited the faulty gene from Chas.

2. Aaron lies about his results

aaron dingle, emmerdale

Later in the day, Aaron lies to Chas and claims he also had a negative result, the same as Cain and Caleb. He feels sick to see how emotional Chas is about his lie.

Continuing to hide his big secret, Aaron plays it cool when Chas expresses how relieved she is about his results.

3. Mandy reels at new information

mandy dingle, emmerdale

The issue of Chas and Paddy's ill-judged kiss hangs around like a bad smell when Mandy and Chas are in the same room.

After an awkward conversation, Chas is surprised to hear Mandy wants to draw a line under the situation.

Later in the week at Marlon's surprise party, the birthday boy lets slip that it was Chas who broke off the kiss, not Paddy. How will Mandy react to the new information?

4. Belle learns Tom has lied

suzy, belle king, emmerdale

Belle struggles to deal with Tom's bad mood as he lashes out at her for prioritising her career over having children. When she works on the reception desk at the vets, she has a strange encounter with Suzy.

Suzy is surprised to see her working there after she told Tom that Belle was welcome at Take a Vow. Belle covers for Tom, pretending he passed on the message, but she's furious.

5. Tom's abuse worsens

tom king, belle king, emmerdale

Livid, Belle accuses Tom of lying to her over the job offer, but he manages to talk her round. However, when Belle starts at Take a Vow, Tom is immediately annoyed.

As Tom's abuse of Belle gets worse as the week goes on, what lengths will he go to in order to have control over her life?

6. Amit plots against Eric

amit, pollard, emmerdale

When Amit finds out how much Eric is worth, he forms a plan to con him out of his fortunes. He begins an innocent pool match by turning it into a bet and delights in how much Eric enjoys the competition.

Keen to charm Eric, Amit purposely loses and then presents him with a lucrative business opportunity. But when Rodney tries to warn Eric away, Eric sets out to prove he's still got his wits about him.

7. Eric is charmed into a deal

pollard, amit, emmerdale

As Amit and Eric discuss business, Amit manipulates the situation and encourages Eric to make a deal. Enthusiastic, Eric claims he's all-in.

The next day, Amit is panicked when Eric wants to speak to Brenda before he transfers any money. Desperate Amit tries to push Eric into transferring the money without looking too eager. But will Eric trust Amit and sign away his fortunes?

8. Kerry receives another phone call

kerry wyatt, emmerdale

The pressure mounts on Kerry next week when she continues to receive more mysterious phone calls. During the Woolie pub quiz, Kerry's forced to hide her worries when a number flashes up again.

Could Kerry's trouble-making behaviour on the cruise ships be catching up with her? After returning to the village with stolen cash and jewels, Kerry's got a lot to answer for…

9. Liam asks Ella on a date

ella forster, liam cavanagh, emmerdale

After catching Liam and Ella flirting again at the doctor's surgery, Manpreet calls a team meeting with him and warns him against starting a workplace romance.

However, as feelings grow between the doctor and his receptionist, Liam is thrilled when Ella agrees to go on a date with him.

Emmerdale airs on weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV1, and streams on ITVX.

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