9 of the Biggest Santa Claus Myths—Debunked

Santa Claus

Have you ever had a rumor spread about you? If so, you’re not alone. Everyone has had to deal with being the target of gossip at one point or another…even Santa Claus!

It’s true! Don’t believe us? Take a look at some of the myths that have been told about him throughout the years. Over time, magical facts about Santa have gotten twisted and sweet stories about him have been misconstrued, which have resulted in some really funny, inaccurate and over-the-top tales circulating about the jolly man of Christmas.

Nonetheless, as the saying goes, “You can’t believe everything you hear.” That’s why we’re debunking these Kris Kringle rumors on his behalf—a fun undertaking of Christmas trivia—since he’s busy right now checking his list twice and getting everything ready for his biggest work day of the year: Christmas Eve.

Related: Dear Santa! This Is Kris Kringle's Real Address

9 Santa Claus Myths—Debunked

1. Santa’s Beard Is Fake

This story has been going around for years! Many assume Santa’s beard is fake because it’s so nice and full. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. His beard is 100 percent real, and he does a really good job grooming it thanks to his barber in the North Pole.

If you’re still having doubts, you don’t have to take our word for it. Just ask Santa if you can give it a gentle tug the next time you run into him. He loves seeing people’s faces when they realize it is, indeed, his real beard.

2. Santa Only Eats Cookies

We bet Santa wishes this rumor was true, because as everyone knows, he loves cookies! Though, seeing how he's currently 1,752 years old, his diet has to be pretty healthy. After all, nobody can solely survive that long on just cookies alone.

He does, however, eat a lot of cookies to give him fuel during the holiday season. He likes to snack on them because he burns a lot of calories when he’s going from house to house on Christmas Eve lifting and carrying gifts, and cookies give him energy throughout the night.

Related: Santa's Reindeer Names

3. Santa Doesn’t Have a License

Santa may not need permission to do a lot of things, but it would be pretty dangerous for him to fly his sleigh all over the world without a license. In fact, if he was caught soaring through the sky without one in the United States, he could be arrested since it’s considered a crime to fly without one. Because of this, Santa takes flying his sleigh very seriously. In 1927, he was even officially issued a pilot’s license.

4. Santa’s Birthday Is on Christmas Day

This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions about Santa, given his profession, but Santa’s birthday isn’t even during the winter. His actual birthday is in the spring, on March 15. But someone really close to Santa does have a birthday on December 25… Mrs. Claus! How cute is that?

Related: Santa Jokes

5. Santa Can Only Enter Houses Through Chimneys

If this was true, then how would Santa deliver presents to the millions of kids who live in homes that don't have chimneys?

While we promised Santa we wouldn’t reveal exactly how he manages to enter every single house around the world, we’ll just say...he gets a little help from magic.

6. Santa Wears Gloves To Cover His Claws

Seeing how Santa’s last name is “Claus,” it’s no surprise that this story started about him. Don’t worry, though, it’s not true! “Claus” isn’t even his real last name. “Claus” actually evolved from Santa’s Dutch nickname, Sinter Klass, which is a shorter form of Sint Nikolaas and that is the Dutch name for St. Nicholas.

The only reason Santa wears gloves in the first place is the same reason others wear gloves—to keep his hands warm.

Related: Here’s How To Get a Letter From Santa This Christmas (And It Smells Like Peppermint)

7. Santa Only Wears Red Clothing

There’s no denying that Santa looks great in red, but that’s not the only color he wears. Red is just the shade of his Christmas uniform and one that people associate him with. During the rest of the year, Santa wears clothing of all colors.

8. Santa Isn’t Allowed To Leave the North Pole During the Year

The North Pole may be Santa’s home, but that doesn’t mean he stays there 24/7. Just like everyone else, he likes to get away with Mrs. Claus every now and then.

From going on tropical vacations, to visiting historical cities, Santa and Mrs. Claus enjoy taking vacations when they have time off so they can recharge before they have to start preparing for the next Christmas season.

Related: Hey, Santa! Here’s the 411 on How To Call the Santa Claus Hotline

9. Santa Only Drinks Milk

It’s no secret that milk is one of Santa’s favorite drinks, but that doesn’t mean it’s the only thing he drinks. People usually think that because Santa always asks for it to be left out so that he has something to sip on when he’s eating cookies. However, when he’s in the North Pole, you’ll find him drinking water, eggnog, hot cocoa and other drinks as well.

Next: Is Santa Real? How To Explain Santa Claus to Kids
