8 Cheap and Simple Front Yard Landscaping Ideas

Quaint cottage garden with white fence
Heidi Patricola/istockphoto

Curb Appeal

Neighbors have been dissing each other for their “slovenly” front yards as early as the 19th century. Back in the day, yards were an extension of one’s house, but they were also “an outward and public presentation of the dwelling’s occupants” — their class, their character, even their morals. While homeowners maybe aren’t as hoighty toighty as they were in the 1800s, Americans still love their manicured yards (case in point: “curb appeal”). If you fall into that camp but can’t afford a landscaper or gardener to spruce up your lawn, we’ve got eight budget front yard landscaping ideas that won't break the bank.

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Lupine in a Wildflower Garden on the Maine Coast

Plant Native Plants

Since native plants are, well, native, they’ll be hardy and won’t require excessive watering. And if you completely replace your lawn, some cities may pay for part of the landscaping. Most native plant gardens have some combination of hardscapes, trees, perennials, ground cover, and a few accents (yay, biodiversity!).

Related: 10 Cheap Ways To Block Your Neighbor's View

White clover Trifolium repens. green grass in the sunny park in the summer
Алексей Филатов/istockphoto

Consider a Clover Lawn

Reddit’s r/NoLawn community — grassy lawns, they argue, are a boring monoculture — suggests microclover instead of grass. Clover lawns have also gone viral on TikTok, where homeowners say that they attract bees, are drought resistant, and are low-maintenance.

Related: 20 Products That Can Turn Your Backyard Into a Relaxing Oasis

Residential Subdivision Outdoor Landscape Feature Mixed River Rock and Red Sandstone Landscaping Feature
eyecrave productions/istockphoto

Install a Walkway

By using gravel or stepping stones — both cheap, low-maintenance materials — you can install a functional path in your yard. Beyond buying pavers and/or gravel, you’ll need to clear out the area, lay and level the stones, and add builders sand or gravel.

Related: Where to Buy Plants Online

A two story suburban home in autumn with a maple tree in front yard and fallen leaves on lawn.

Plant a Tree

If your front yard seems a bit barren, add a focal point by planting a tree. As long as you have some patience and purchase a young tree, this will be a budget-friendly way to upgrade your lawn. Just be mindful where you plant since tree roots can interfere with sewer lines.

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Calgary, Alberta, Canada- July 3,2022:  Front view of new 21st century Craftsman shingle style  Bungalow. Replicated from early 20th century homes. Easy to care for front yard and garden. Next door to large modern day architecture.

Try Xeriscaping

Thanks to climate change, xeriscaping is hot in drought-stricken regions across the U.S. This environmentally conscious landscaping technique relies on slow-growing, drought-resistant plants that require minimal irrigation. To optimize your xeriscaped yard, you’ll want to plant drought-tolerant plants, prevent runoff, and use plenty of mulch.

Seen in Sweden

Start a Cottage Garden

If you prefer a wilder, more naturalistic look, you could convert your front yard into a cottage garden. Unlike a strictly landscaped yard, cottage gardens embrace a bit of chaos with an abundance of long-lasting annuals.

Stock photo showing a wooden window box brimming with winter flowering bedding plants including cyclamens, heather (Erica), Pernettya (Gaultheria mucronata) and herbs, sitting on the windowsill of a house.

Build Window Boxes

For homeowners looking for a small-scale project, a few well-placed window boxes are an easy way to elevate your front yard. Although you can buy flower beds for cheap — plastic window boxes sell for as low as $3 — you can also make them yourself.

A male bluebird enjoying a backyard birdbath in Forest, Virginia, on September 26, 2020.
Edward Palm/istockphoto

Add Accents

While you might want to stay away from kitschy garden gnomes, pink flamingos, and expensive water features, a tasteful garden accent can make your front yard pop. One functional go-to garden ornament? A birdbath.
