8 Career Moves That Hurt Your Chances of Being Rich

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FG Trade / iStock.com

Considering career moves is exciting, but should never be rushed. According to experts, there are some moves that could potentially hurt your earning power or chances of getting rich.

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“Choosing a career path is like playing a strategic game of chess,” said Brett Smith, entrepreneur and business coach, “and in my experience as a business coach and entrepreneur, there are some moves that, even with the best of intentions, can make it more difficult to achieve financial success. Choosing ease over difficulty might be a career decision that reduces the possibility of financial advancement,” Smith offered as an example. “While stability is essential, if you remain in your comfort zone too long, you may miss opportunities to grow professionally and gain new skills.”

Instead, he recommends accepting difficulties that stretch you since they frequently result in worthwhile experiences and, eventually, monetary gains. Avoiding these missteps can significantly impact your long-term financial success. Here are eight career moves that can hurt your chances of building wealth.

Frequent Job Changes

Doing this without a clear purpose can be detrimental to one’s career, said Ezekiel Chew, trading mentor and founder of Asia Forex Mentor. “This means that if someone switches jobs every year for a slight raise in salary but without a specific career path or long-term goals, it can give the impression of instability.”

He explained that this lack of focus can turn off potential employers and limit one’s earning potential.

Neglecting Networking and Relationship-Building

This is another possible trap, experts say. “Another important aspect of career advancement is networking,” said Chew. “If a talented software engineer disregards the importance of maintaining professional relationships and does not participate in networking events, they may miss out on opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and career advancement that can come from a strong professional network.”

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Similarly, Smith believes that in the world of work, relationships can be just as meaningful as skills. “Developing a solid network makes it easier to access opportunities, work together, and find mentors–all of which are important for long-term financial success,” he added. “Recall that it’s not only about your knowledge; it’s also about the people you know and how well you use your connections.”

Avoiding Career Challenges

The opposite of job-hopping is also true. “Avoiding career challenges can stifle growth,” warned Chew. “If a person is content in their current position and avoids taking on new responsibilities or projects that appear difficult, they may miss out on gaining new experiences and skills that could lead to promotions and higher earnings.”

Underestimating One’s Own Worth

According to experts, this can result in being underpaid or overlooked for advancement opportunities. “If a project manager, for example, is unaware of the current market rates for their position and accepts a salary that is less than the industry standard, they may end up underpaid,” said Chew. “It is critical to understand one’s market value in order to be fairly compensated.”

Being Short-Sighted

Taking a job solely for a higher base salary without considering long-term growth opportunities can be detrimental, warned Nikita Sherbina, senior HR manager at AIScreen Digital Signage. “I once accepted a position with a fat paycheck but limited chances for advancement,” he explained. “In the end, the lack of career progression stunted my earning potential over time.”

Smith agrees. “While it can be easy to concentrate only on short-term benefits, a successful profession demands a balance between these short-term successes and long-term strategic planning.” He says to refrain from giving in to the temptation of fast fixes that could jeopardize your entire course. Instead, develop an outlook that considers the broader effects of your professional decisions.

“Throughout my journey as an entrepreneur, I have seen people who have put themselves on a path toward financial prosperity by staying clear of these hazards,” Smith noted. “These chess moves will set you up for success: accepting obstacles, developing deep relationships, and striking a balance between short-term gains and long-term objectives.”

Ignoring Emerging Trends

Industries and job requirements are constantly changing in today’s fast-paced world, Chew noted. “If a marketing professional, for example, ignores emerging trends in their field and fails to update their skills, they may become less competitive,” he said. “This lack of ongoing learning and development can stymie their career advancement and earnings potential.”

At the same time, becoming overly specialized in a niche might seem like a good idea for deep expertise, but Sherbina warns it can backfire. “I got too focused on a specific technology, and when the market shifted, my skills became less in demand, affecting both job opportunities and income.”

Neglecting Your Education

Along the same vein, experts agree that your education is one of the most valuable assets in your career journey. “Neglecting it can significantly impact your earning power and limit your chances of getting rich,” said Linda Chavez, founder and CEO of Seniors Life Insurance Finder.

Whether it’s through formal education or continuous learning, she says investing in yourself and gaining new skills is essential for personal and professional growth. “Make a commitment to further your education,” Chavez highlighted.

She noted you can do this by pursuing a degree, attending workshops or conferences, or taking online courses. “This will not only enhance your knowledge but also make you more valuable to employers and increase your earning potential.”

Rei Shen, founder of Success in Depth, said that in today’s fast-paced world, skills can become obsolete quickly. “If you’re not continually learning and updating your skills, you risk being left behind.”

Neglecting Your Mental Health

In one of her more insightful recommendations, Chavez says neglecting your mental health can also hurt your earning power and chances of getting rich. “Constant stress and burnout can lead to decreased productivity, lower job satisfaction, and ultimately impact your income.”

To offset these risks, Chavez recommends making self-care a priority by setting boundaries and taking breaks when needed.

“Practice good work-life balance and prioritize activities that promote mental well-being,” she added. “By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to handle the demands of your career and increase your earning potential.”

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: 8 Career Moves That Hurt Your Chances of Being Rich
