7 Signs Someone Is Gaslighting You and What to Do About It

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What Is Gaslighting? Know the SignsMoyo Studio - Getty Images

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Even though the term “gaslighting” feels zeitgeist-y, the manipulative act has been around for quite some time. It’s actually tied to a 1938 play titled Gas Light, which was adapted for film a couple of times, most notably in the 1944 movie, Gaslight, starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman. The story follows a male protagonist who convinces his wife she’s imagining things that are actually happening—including the dimming of the house’s gas lights—with makes her believe she’s going insane. That gives you a bit of an idea of what gaslighting is—but we asked experts to go into more detail in order to get the full picture.

Meet the Experts: Sari Chait Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, Erin Wiley, M.A., L.P.C.C. executive director of The Willow Center, and Michele Leno, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and founder of DML Psychological Services.

It’s important to know the signs of gaslighting to ensure you’re in safe, healthy relationships, especially because gaslighting can happen to anyone. Below is everything you need to know.

What is gaslighting?

It’s often “used as a way to gain or maintain control over someone else,” says Sari Chait Ph.D., a clinical psychologist. Gaslighting is the act or practice of misleading someone especially for one’s own advantage, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It can happen in just about any situation, from personal relationships to the workplace. Erin Wiley, M.A., L.P.C.C. executive director of The Willow Center, describes gaslighting as “a psychological strategy to create confusion in a person so that they end up feeling as if they are to blame for problems in a relationship.“

You may have recognized gaslighting behavior but never knew the signs. This form of manipulation may leave you feeling weary about your own thoughts and feelings. “Gaslighting happens continually over time,” explains Chait. “So the victim typically starts to doubt themselves, believe an alternative truth, and even wonder if they are losing their mind.”

How do you know if someone is gaslighting you?

Recognizing gaslighting is difficult because it is typically done by someone you trust—like a partner, Chait says. If you are on the receiving end of gaslighting, it can feel like a game of tug-of-war, or a love-hate relationship, adds Michele Leno, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist and founder of DML Psychological Services. “You feel demeaned and not good enough, although you have made efforts to impress the gaslighter,” Leno continues. “The gaslighter will almost always invalidate your feelings. You may feel emotionally and physically drained following most interactions with them.”

It’s a sign that someone is gaslighting you if they are:

  • Constantly minimizing or invalidating your feelings

  • Avoiding taking responsibility for their actions

  • Lying

  • Regularly recalling events differently than you

  • Using words like paranoid, overreactive, dramatic, overly sensitive, or crazy

  • Experiencing self-doubt

  • Acting reactively or intensely where it’s unwarranted

Examples of gaslighting

Gaslighting can occur in many different scenarios. It’s important to be aware of the common phrases or signs of gaslighting. Wiely says gaslighting examples include:

Alienating you from supportive friends and family

Example: “They only tell you we should break up because they are jealous of how close we are. They don’t have your best interests at heart.”

Telling you that your perceptions are wrong

Example: “I wasn’t being critical; I was just trying to help you see how other people see you.”

Invalidating your feelings

Example: “You are too sensitive for your own good. You always think I’m hurting your feelings and no one else would think my words are hurtful but you!”

Downplaying your concerns

Example: “No one else gets worked up about things like that—only you. You are so over the top!”

Making you feel like you’re losing your memory

Example: “That’s not at all how it actually happened—you clearly aren’t remembering it correctly.”

Accusing you of being the manipulator

Example: “That’s not at all how it happened—you are putting a spin on that situation, so you look good and I look awful.”

How does gaslighting impact mental health?

“Gaslighting generates or exacerbates anxiety and depression,” says Leno. That’s because it eggs on a consistent spiral of confusion. Being a victim of gaslighting can feel all-consuming and interrupt daily life. “You are attempting to manage a psychologically abusive relationship that is ultimately unmanageable,” Leno explains. “Until you accept that it is not normal to feel so emotionally overwhelmed in a relationship, you will remain tied to the gaslighter. After all, they have manipulated you into believing they know what is best for you.”

What to do if someone is gaslighting you

If you believe someone is gaslighting you, it’s important that you take steps to protect your wellbeing. There are several ways to take action. Here’s what the experts suggest:

Confront the individual

People will always have different points of view. Learning to respect them and address this in a healthy way can help build communication and connection. You can also talk to someone outside the relationship to get their impression of the situation, Wiley suggests.

Find a support system

It’s crucial to remember that you are never alone in this. Finding a strong support system, as Chait suggests, whether it’s friends, coworkers, or family members is important. Being able to build connections and gain perspective can help.

Practice self-care

Putting yourself first doesn’t make you selfish—and can be particularly important in situations of gaslighting. Wiley suggests developing tactics and coping skills to help manage when it happens to you and how to proceed in the future.

Seek help

Chait and Leno say a therapist can help you recognize signs of gaslighting and manage feelings after the relationship with the gaslighter ends. (Check out our tips for finding the right therapist.)

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