7 low-tech, old-fashioned ways to keep your home cool when temperatures soar


With the third week of July traditionally the hottest of the year, more than 200 million Americas are expected to be be living with temperatures over 90 degrees. Though it's too late to paint your roof white or install air conditioning throughout the house, plenty of low-tech, old-fashioned methods can help keep homes cooler even when the sun is beating down.

Close window shades and curtains during the day

When it's going to be hot, the first rule is to keep the heat out as much as you can. That means closing blinds and curtains during the day. This is especially true of east- and west-facing windows. If you don't have blinds and your curtains are sheer rather than light-blocking, there's always the old dorm-room trick of tacking a blanket over a window. Not pretty, but your home will stay cooler. Note that in humid areas the air will stay cooler, but it won't be dry in the way air inside an air-conditioned space is.

Open windows at night

When temperatures start to fall at night, open windows – using screens to keep the bugs out and the cool evening air in. If you're in a house without screens because you've typically relied on air conditioning, consider getting inexpensive adjustable window screens. Keeping a fan on at night to get the cool air to circulate throughout your home will let you start the day at a cooler temperature.

An adjustable window screen in use.
An adjustable window screen in use.

Keep interior doors open

This lets the air temperature in your home equalize, which should help bring temperatures down slightly overall.

Run the bathroom exhaust fan

When you shower, run the bathroom exhaust fan longer than you typically would. You want all that hot, humid air to end up outside.

Dry laundry inside

If you've got a washer load of clean clothes and a drying rack, you're in luck. Do what your great-grandmother did and put the rack up in the living room and drape the damp clothes over it to dry. As they do, evaporative cooling lowers the temperature in the room as long as the windows are open so the moist air can get out.

Turn a hot water bottle cold

If you've got a hot water bottle, fill it with cold water and a few ice cubes and use it to cool down your bed at night.

Spritz away

Fill a clean spray bottle with cold water and very lightly spritz your sheets. You don't want them soaked, just misted. This makes a nice cool bed. The same can be done to people, if they don't object. Children often love being spritzed to sleep.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Beat the heat wave with these low-tech life hacks to keep homes cool
