7 Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes You’re Probably Making

A man vacuuming on a carpet
Photo: athima tongloom / Moment / Getty Images

This article originally appeared on Angi and is syndicated by Cheapism.

If you have carpet in your home, you may think you’ve come up with the right way to clean and maintain it. It seems simple: vacuum, spot treat stains, and repeat. But you might be accidentally making a carpet cleaning mistake that could cause long-term damage to your cozy flooring. To keep your carpet looking fresh and clean, avoid the following cleaning blunders.

A general interior view of a living room
Photo: John Keeble / Moment / Getty Images

There are several types of carpets, but they’re divided into two broad categories: those made of natural fibers and those made of synthetic fibers. It’s important to identify which type of carpet you have because that will determine which cleaning products and homemade remedies will work best on it. Before using any commercial cleaning products, read the label and see whether they are safe for your carpet material.

A woman washing a carpet manually
Photo: Far700 / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

A good rule of thumb is that the quicker you clean a stain, the less time it has to seep into your carpet. Unfortunately, it can be tough to address some stains immediately, especially if your pet has a bathroom accident while you’re not home.

If a stain occurs while you are home, address it immediately. Liquid stains, such as red wine or coffee spills, may even soak through the carpet’s padding to the hardwood flooring beneath it. Try to absorb as much of the liquid from the carpet first before using any cleaner. Then, follow our carpet cleaning guidelines to get rid of stains like a pro.

A woman cleaning red carpet
Photo: wakila / E+ / Getty Images

Many of us were taught to rub carpet stains to scrub them clean. However, this approach is not advisable because it can damage the carpet fibers and cause them to fray. It may also push the stain further down into the base of the carpet.

Instead, try dabbing the cleaning solution of your choice directly onto the stained area as soon as possible. After dabbing, blot the spot with a paper towel or cloth towel. This method will help absorb any remaining liquid into the towel and out of the carpet. Start at the periphery of the stain to prevent it from expanding further, and then work your way into the center of the stain.

A man vacuuming carpet
Photo: Marko Klaric / EyeEm / Getty Images

If you’re waiting to vacuum until you see dirt or dust, then you’re waiting too long. To keep your carpets looking fresh and clean, try maintenance vacuuming once a week. If you have pets in your home, vacuum more often to get rid of pet dander and hair.  Regular vacuuming not only removes dirt, dust, and pet hair, but also causes the carpet fibers to straighten, giving it a fluffy feel. If you’re not able to keep up with regular vacuuming, consider hiring a local house cleaner to perform weekly cleaning tasks.

A woman removing stain from carpet
Photo: Catherine McQueen / Moment / Getty Images

While there are tons of great carpet cleaning products on the market, some of them use harsh chemicals that can create strong fumes.

To avoid using a harsh cleaning product on your carpets, ensure that you read the ingredients list carefully before purchasing. Another popular option is to make a homemade carpet cleaner using household products like white vinegar, cornstarch, and salt.

When using any option, homemade or store-bought, be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and patch test before cleaning your whole carpet.

A worker cleaning carpet
Photo: AndreyPopov / iStock / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images

While many cleaning products are multipurpose or multi-surface, you should only use products specifically designed for carpets. Using cleaning products meant for other fabrics or surfaces, like bleach or laundry detergent, could harm your carpet and cause discoloration.

A girl running in the living room
Photo: Catherine Falls Commercial / Moment / Getty Images

It’s always easier to prevent stains than remove them. An easy way to preserve the carpet in high-traffic areas, such as the entryway, living room, or hallways, is to lay down an area rug or a runner. That way, the area rug can trap most of the dirt and debris, leaving the carpet in the clear.
