67-Year-Old Says He Achieved 'Longevity Escape Velocity': His Age Is Now 47

young man blocking sun with hand, close up
Man Says He Achieved 'Longevity Escape Velocity'Shannon Fagan - Getty Images
  • Tom Weldon says his Rejuvant supplement has caused the age of his cells to reverse faster than he is aging.

  • After over two years of taking his supplement, he says his biological age has dropped to 47, down 20 years from his chronological age.

  • He claims he can help cells maintain a healthy metabolism while maintaining a youthful epigenetic state.

Tom Weldon wants you to buy what he’s selling. And he says he’s selling something a lot of people strive for: longevity escape velocity.

This is the idea that a person’s life expectancy would improve at a faster rate than they age. For example, if you were 35, had a life expectancy of 86, and achieved longevity escape velocity, your life expectancy could be 88 (or higher) by the time you turned 36—adding a year or more to your life span.

As measured by the health of cells and tissues, Weldon says that in the over two years of taking his now-for-sale Rejuvant supplement, his biological age is decreasing faster than his chronological age increases, meaning his cells function like he’s only 47 when he has been alive for 67 years.

“I may be one of the first people to ever measurably demonstrate the achievement of reaching longevity escape velocity in this timeframe, which is quite remarkable,” Weldon boasts. “This doesn’t mean I have become immortal, however, it suggests that perhaps a tipping point does exist, where enough epigenetic remodeling has occurred to begin growing younger, faster than one grows older.”

As researchers across the globe scour for ways to reverse the impact of aging on the body’s cells with a series of diets, exercise, and supplements, Weldon claims to have somehow come up with the solution that only requires taking two pills of Rejuvant daily (well, that and vitamin B). In fact, even though he sleeps well, he does minimal exercise and even eats whatever he wants.

Weldon says his Rejuvant is patent-pending and uses a timed-release formulation of CaAKG (calcium alpha-ketoglutarate) plus vitamin A for men and vitamin D for women. That’s it. He’s even published a paper in Aging on the effort. He says that research shows a gender-specific response to CaAKG so he’s created formulations for men and women, but they both come quite focused on the mineral.

But Weldon may be just part of the CaAKG anti-aging bandwagon, one filling up quickly. Expect to see more CaAKG-backed anti-aging claims as the market floods with product. Maybe one day we’ll even get more independent research to back it all up.

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