70 Christmas trivia questions for kids


If you're ready to get into the ho-ho-holiday spirit, some festive Christmas trivia questions could be just the thing to get into that Santa state of mind.

Christmas trivia can be a great way to celebrate the holidays with kids of all ages. Some of these prompts are sweet and simple while others are a little trickier so that teens and adults, can play along, too.

So put on your thinking — err, Christmas — cap, and get ready to quiz the kids on their Christmas knowledge.

75 Christmas Trivia Questions For Kids

Christmas trivia is a fun, wholesome activity for the whole family and a great way to connect with loved ones. Here are 75 Christmas trivia questions for kids — and answers for parents just in case.

  • Question: What color suit does Santa wear? Answer: Red.

  • Question: What does Santa drive? Answer: A sleigh.

  • Question: What kind of animal pulls Santa's sleigh? Answer: Reindeer.

  • Question: Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Answer: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and Rudolph.

  • Question: Who is Rudolph? Answer: The red-nosed reindeer.

  • Question: Which reindeer shares a name with the hero of Valentine's Day? Answer: Cupid.

  • Question: Who helps Santa make toys? Answer: The elves.

  • Question: What food do you leave for Santa on Christmas Eve? Answer: Cookies.

  • Question: What drink do you leave for Santa on Christmas Eve? Answer: Milk.

  • Question: What food do you leave out for the reindeer? Answer: Carrots.

  • Question: What do you put on the tree? Answer: Ornaments.

  • Question: What goes on top of the Christmas tree? Answer: A star, or angel.

  • Question: What color is Santa's belt? Answer: Black.

  • Question: How many times does Santa check his list to determine who is naughty and who is nice? Answer: Twice.

  • Question: Who is Santa married to? Answer: Mrs. Claus.

  • Question: Which reindeer has a red nose? Answer: Rudolph.

  • Question: Where does Santa Claus live? Answer: The North Pole.

  • Question: What day is Christmas? Answer: December 25.

  • Fill in the blank: "Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle ____." Answer: All the way.

  • Fill in the blank: "Have yourself a _____." Answer: Merry little Christmas.

  • Question: What do you hang near the fireplace on Christmas Eve? Answer: Stockings.

  • Question: What color is the Grinch? Answer: Green.

  • Question: What is the Grinch's dog's name? Answer: Max.

  • Question: If a child is naughty, what does Santa bring? Answer: A lump of coal.

  • Question: What magic item brings Frosty the Snowman to life? Answer: "That old silk hat they found."

  • Question: What are traditional Christmas colors? Answer: Red and green.

  • Question: What did Rudolph never get to join? Answer: Any reindeer games.

  • Question: What kind of houses are popular to make and decorate? Answer: Gingerbread.

  • Question: What does Santa always say? Answer: "Ho ho ho."

  • Question: What goes under the tree? Answer: Presents.

  • Question: Do Christmas trees have skirts or dresses? Answer: Skirts.

  • Question: What do you decorate with ornaments? Answer: A tree.

  • Question: What is a red and white Christmas treat? Answer: A candy cane.

  • Question: What is another name for Santa Claus? Answer: Saint Nick.

  • Fill in the blank: "Silent night, ____." Answer: Holy night.

  • Question: How many gifts are given for 12 days of Christmas? Answer: 364.

  • Question: What were three things gifted by wise men to baby Jesus? Answer: Myrrh, Gold and Frankincense.

  • Question: In the movie "Elf," what are Buddy's four main food groups? Answer: Candy, candy canes, candy corns, and syrup.

  • Question: What gift did the "The Little Drummer Boy" give? Answer: He played drums for baby Jesus.

  • Question: In "A Christmas Carol," what is the second name of Ebenezer? Answer: Scrooge.

  • Fill in the blank: Before Christmas lights, people put ____ on their tree. Answer: Candles.

  • Question: In "Home Alone," where was Kevin's family traveling to? Answer: Paris.

  • Question: What was the name of Tim Allen's character in "The Santa Clause"? Answer: Scott Calvin.

  • Question: What Christmas movie involves a train that takes kids to the North Pole on Christmas Eve? Answer: "The Polar Express."

  • Question: In the song, “12 Days of Christmas,” what kind of tree is the partridge sitting on? Answer: A pear tree.

  • Fill in the blank: Hark the ____, angels sing. Answer: Herald.

  • Question: What is the day after Christmas called? Answer: Boxing Day.

  • Question: What type of pudding is in “We Wish You a Merry Christmas?” Answer: Figgy pudding.

  • Question: In "It's A Wonderful Life," what happens each time the bell rings? Answer: An angel gets its wings.

  • Question: Which company often uses Santa in their marketing or advertising? Hint: Sometimes Santa is with polar bears. Answer: Coca-Cola.

  • Question: How is the Grinch described? Answer: “Stink, stank, stunk.”

  • Question: "Miracle on 34th Street" features what department store? Answer: Macy's.

  • Question: In "A Christmas Story," what does Ralphie’s aunt get him for Christmas? Answer: A pink rabbit suit.

  • Question: What is Frosty's nose made out of? Answer: A button.

  • Question: Which famous orchestra is responsible for "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo"? Answer: Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

  • Question: According to the "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch," how cuddly is the Grinch? Answer: As cuddly as a cactus.

  • Question: Which Christmas carol is considered a lullaby? Answer: "Away In A Manger."

  • Question: What type of plant is often hung in doorways, encouraging people to kiss? Answer: Mistletoe.

  • Question: In what movie is the line "You’ll shoot your eye out, kid!"? Answer: "A Christmas Story."

  • Question: What is the name of Ralphie's little brother in "A Christmas Story"? Answer: Randy.

  • Question: What is the name of the Christmas-themed ballet that involves a mouse? Answer: "The Nutcracker."

  • Question: When the Grinch stole Christmas did he take the tree? Answer: Yes.

  • Fill in the blank: "And may all your Christmases be ____." Answer: White.

  • Question: In what city was baby Jesus born? Answer: Bethlehem.

  • Question: Which was the first state to declare Christmas an official holiday? Answer: Alabama.

  • Question: How did “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” become a song? Answer: Inspired by coloring book character’s success, Robert May’s brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, penned the song in 1939.

  • Question: Who invented Christmas lights? Answer: While three people are credited with the Christmas lights we all know and love today, Thomas Edison created the first strand of electric lights.

  • Question: Where was “Home Alone” filmed? Answer: Winnetka, Illinois.

  • Question: How many ghosts visit Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol”? Answer: Technically four. The first is Scrooge’s former business partner, Jacob Marley, who tells him about the three spirits that will follow.

  • Question: What year did Christmas become a national holiday? Answer: 1870.

  • Question: What is the name for the log you burn on Christmas Eve for good luck? Answer: Yule log.

  • Question: What is the original meaning of "Noel" in Latin? Answer: Birth.

  • Question: Which famous cartoonist can be attributed to how modern Santa is portrayed? Answer: Thomas Nast.

  • Question: In which country did the custom of putting up Christmas trees start? Answer: Germany.

  • Question: In which decade did Coca-Cola start using Santa Claus in advertising? Answer: The 1920s.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com
