60 Things Everyone Should Do Before They’re 60

If turning 60 is the mark of beginning the golden years, how do we ensure that those years are, in fact, golden? Our past experiences, healthy habits and financial preparation all contribute to how well we will enjoy our later years. This means that everyone should be thinking now about what they want to accomplish—AKA 60 things to do before you turn 60.

Even though there are plenty of fun things to achieve after 60, we all have goals or desires that we want to make sure to check off our bucket list while we know that we still can. Plus, there are certain things to prepare for that need to be set in motion before hitting 60 (like passing along important information and family stories to your children and grandchildren). If you are wondering what you should be concentrating on now, here is a list to guide you on your way.

It may seem daunting or downright scary as you approach your sixth decade. There are a lot of aspects to think about in terms of health and finances, and then there's that list of things you always thought you would do. The years can certainly tick by quickly. However, it's not too late (even if you're 59) to start getting yourself in shape for the over-60 years. This particular list is broken down into 15 healthy habits to start, five essential things to accomplish and a whopping 40 ideas for what to achieve just for pure fun and fulfillment.

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15 Healthy Habits To Start Before You're 60

The more healthy habits that you can incorporate now, the better off you will be as you age. You are most likely to stay physically healthy with a good diet and plenty of exercise. Of course, brain and mental health are just as important for a good quality of life.

1. Get Walking

A simple walk is an easy way to keep your blood flowing and reduce your risk of heart disease. Not only that but walking is great for maintaining or losing weight as well as increasing your endurance. Aim for about 10,000 steps per day.

2. Start a Healthy Diet

In your younger years, you may have gotten away with a little junk food. However, as you age it becomes harder to keep the weight off and that saturated fat tends to accumulate in your body and arteries.

3. Join a Yoga Class

To stay flexible, a yoga or pilates class is essential. Besides limbering up, yoga also works to clear your mind and help you relax.

4. Grow a Garden

There are a couple of benefits to having a garden. One, you can reap the healthy benefits of eating what you grow. And two, nurturing and caring for your plants is a fulfilling activity that reduces stress.

5. Incorporate Weight Lifting

Start with hand weights that are between one pound and five pounds. Lifting weights helps to build muscle mass or keep you from losing what you have. It's also a great activity for bone health. Having strong bones may prevent a break in the case of a fall.

6. Shake Things Up With a Dance Class

A fun way to exercise is with a dance class like Jazzercise, Zumba or any kind of aerobics. You may also want to try line dancing or even ballroom dancing. All of the dance routines that you have to learn are also very good for the brain.

7. Keep Your Mind Sharp With Puzzles and Games

Just like we need to use our muscles to keep them, we also need to be using our brains. One fun way to do that is with puzzles, board games or online challenges like Wordle or Connections.

8. Learn About Something That Interests You

It's never too late to take a college course or community class. For instance, if you are interested in learning how to code your own website, take a class or even earn a degree. What you learn will be rewarding and keep you feeling younger.

9. Grow in Your Spiritual Health

Put focus on what is most important. Join a Bible study or attend church to be armed with all the tools you need when facing life's challenges.

10. Train for a Marathon

Push yourself with greater challenges like running a marathon. Accomplishing such a feat is both rewarding and good for your health.

11. Hike the Trails

Hiking takes simple walking to a whole new level. When you are surrounded by beautiful nature, you have the added benefit of visual gratification and calm. With all of the trails throughout the country, you can continually find new areas to explore. Maybe you even want to set a goal of completing the Appalachian Trail.

12. Keep a Journal

Writing down your thoughts, feelings and important events is therapeutic but also will be great to look back on in later years.

13. Break Bad Habits

Drinking too much, smoking and eating a lot of junk food are going to wreak havoc on your body in the later years. The sooner you can break these bad habits, the more time your body has to repair itself.

14. Take Up Biking

Biking is great exercise and allows you to see more of your surroundings in a shorter period of time than walking or hiking.

15. Get Involved in a Sport

Team sports provide camaraderie as well as a fun way to get physical exercise. Golf, tennis and pickleball are all great examples.

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5 Essential Things To Complete Before Turning 60

Planning for the future should start early and these are some essential things that you will want to knock off your list.

1. Create a Retirement Plan

The earlier you start planning for retirement, the better. Come up with a plan that works for you. Think about things about investments, savings, passive income and low-stress jobs to move into.

2. Put Together A Will

Although you most likely have many years ahead of you, creating a will allows for peace of mind and less stress for beneficiaries.

3. Begin Decluttering

As you get closer to 60, you may find yourself with way more stuff than what you need. All of those years of accumulation can leave you feeling overwhelmed. If you don't periodically purge, you may want to begin. You'll be surprised at how soothing simplifying and downsizing can be.

4. Think of Ways To Volunteer Your Time

Start thinking of ways you can help others once you have grown your family and/or left the workforce. It feels good to continue with a rewarding purpose.

5. Get Debt Paid Off

The closer you get to 60, the less debt you should have. This could mean selling off a few things or moving to a more affordable area to reduce the stress and the need to keep working late in life.

Related: Is It Better To Save Up for Retirement or Pay Off Debt? Financial Pros Weigh In

40 Fun Things To Accomplish Before Turning 60

You may or may not have a bucket list of things that you would like to complete before you turn 60. If you have your own list, you will want to put a timeline to them to make sure you get them all accomplished while you have your best health and resources.

However, maybe you never thought about specific things that you would like to do and time is getting away from you. In that case, here are 40 ideas to get you thinking. You can fill in the specifics for where, when and how you would want to do those items that interest you.

1. Learn an art like drawing, pottery, woodworking or painting.

2. Travel to your favorite places or dream destinations.

3. Fly in a commercial or private airplane.

4. Travel or take a small tour by train.

5. Ride in a taxi.

6. See some waterfalls.

7. Visit a big city like New York, Los Angeles or Chicago.

8. Camp in a trailer or tent.

9. Canoe down a river.

10. Go charter fishing.

11. See the ocean.

12. Visit one of the Great Lakes.

13. Visit an island.

14. Explore a wooded area.

15. Visit a zoo.

16. Go parasailing.

17. Ride in a boat.

18. Go horseback riding.

19. Visit a museum.

20. See a musical.

21. Go to a concert.

22. Attend a major sporting event.

23. Watch a play.

24. Visit an aquarium.

25. Drive through the mountains.

26. Experience fine dining at an expensive upscale restaurant.

27. Ride in a horse-drawn carriage.

28. Read some classics.

29. Photograph nature.

30. Experience an amusement park.

31. Enjoy a campfire.

32. Ride in or drive a dune buggy.

33. Drive a motorcycle or dirt bike.

34. Have a picnic in a park.

35. Walk a beach.

36. Go mountain or rock climbing.

37. Ski down a mountain.

38. Write a story or poetry.

39. Create something by hand.

40. Cook a gourmet meal.

Next Up: 55 Fun Things To Do With Grandkids—Indoor, Outdoor and Sleepover Activities
