The Deepest, Sexiest, and Dirtiest “Would You Rather” Questions to Ask Your S.O.

would you rather questions for couples
All the Best “Would You Rather” Qs for CouplesGetty Images

Few things are worse than a dry conversation. Here you are, texting your cutie Hinge match, sitting down to a romantic dinner, or going on a fun date night, but instead of stimulating banter, it’s just…crickets. Luckily, there’s an easy solution to limiting awkward silences in your situationship. Enter: "would you rather" questions for couples.

Before diving in, remember: Conversational lulls can happen to anyone, whether you're on a first date, navigating a friends-with-benefits relationship, or you've been with your partner forever. Those “what do we talk about” moments don’t mean your connection is doomed or anything, but it's never not helpful to have some simple games, deep questions, and conversation topics handy for when you start defaulting to weather chatter. Not only is “would you rather” fun, but it can also actually lead to in-depth discussions about things like relationship boundaries, sexual bucket lists, and having kids, so, like, win-win.

If you’ve never played the game, you’re in for a treat because it truly doesn’t get easier than this. Think of WYR as a more inquisitive and reciprocal “truth or dare,” just without the “dare” portion. Simply take turns asking and answering each question aloud, then explain your reasoning. Since some questions are touchier than others, make it clear it’s fine to skip anything anyone doesn’t want to talk about—the point is to have fun, not cry over some unresolved trauma (unless that’s the vibe of the evening).

And since the worst part of any question-style game is thinking of what to ask, we’ve done the hard work so all you have to do is get cozy and start talking. Whether you’re in a long-distance relationship or are just sitting next to each other on the couch, these “would you rather” questions will help you get to know each other better, connect on a more intimate level, and avoid discussing the forecast.

Gross "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask Your Partner

"Would you rather" questions that are so gross you would literally rather do anything else than the options you're being given are pretty much the bread and butter of this game. Think of it as, like, mental Fear Factor. While they might seem outlandish, these Qs will likely reveal fears, desires, pet peeves, and quirks you otherwise wouldn't learn.

  1. Would you rather it rain slugs or snow mayo?

  2. Would you rather wear someone else’s dirty undies or use their toothbrush?

  3. Would you rather shower in syrup or expired milk?

  4. Would you rather have diarrhea during your wedding ceremony or on your wedding night?

  5. Would you rather cry pebbles (ouch) or sweat vinegar (ew)?

  6. Would you rather throw up anytime you pet an animal or fart anytime you hear music?

  7. Would you rather have really bad breath or really bad B.O.?

Holiday "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask Your Partner

Whether you're sitting around the fireplace in December or by a campfire in July, having a few holiday-related WYR questions ready is an easy way to uncover some interesting facts about your S.O. (or break the ice with new friend/family groups).

  1. Would you rather spend every holiday with your (future) in-laws (but not your significant other) or spend every holiday alone?

  2. Would you rather make 1,000 homemade Christmas cookies or decorate 50 Christmas trees?

  3. Would you rather wear a turkey on your head (à la Monica Geller in Friends) or get pantsed in front of all your friends (also à la Monica Geller in Friends)?

  4. Would you rather be notoriously naughty or famously nice?

  5. Would you rather kiss one stranger under the mistletoe or let 20 strangers sit on your lap?

  6. Would you rather run naked through your office holiday party or through your significant other’s extended family holiday party?

  7. Would you rather only be able to have sex to "Party in the USA" or "Born in the USA" for the rest of your life?

Low-Stakes "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask Your Partner

If you need a good warm-up before getting into more serious topics, asking some less-intense "would you rather" questions is a good way to get the creative conversation juices flowing.

  1. Would you rather be rich or be famous (not both, sry)?

  2. Would you rather give up bread or give up wine?

  3. Would you rather only be able to talk on the phone or only be able to text?

  4. Would you rather always be 30 minutes early or 30 minutes late?

  5. Would you rather know how you’re going to die or know when you’re going to die (month and year, not day)?

  6. Would you rather have your browsing history or your texts published?

  7. Would you rather be really funny or really smart?

  8. Would you rather be more outgoing or more introspective?

  9. Would you rather be able to talk to your pet for one hour (they respond and everything) and lose a year of your life, or just go about your not-talking-to-your-pet-life as usual?

Deep "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask Your Partner

Once you're in the WYR groove, it's time to get a lil more serious. The below can be thought-provoking and emotional, so either pick out a few of your favorites or ask them sporadically between questions in other categories. This will help you avoid a date where you're both sobbing hysterically on the couch (unless that's what you want).

  1. Would you rather marry the person of your dreams or have the career of your dreams?

  2. Would you rather be able to see the future or read minds?

  3. Would you rather be remembered in history for doing something terrible, or be completely forgotten after you die?

  4. Would you rather fulfill your greatest wish or resolve your biggest regret?

  5. Would you rather lose all the money you earned this year or lose all the memories you made this year?

  6. Would you rather trust everyone or trust no one?

  7. Would you rather do too much and feel burned out, or have tons of free time but get major FOMO?

  8. Would you rather go through life unable to forget anything or go through life unable to remember anything?

  9. Would you rather give up all technology (phones, computers, etc.) or give up all art (music, books, etc.)?

Silly "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask Your Partner

After going deep, it's time to lighten up the mood with some far-fetched, totally random "would you rather" questions. Some of these are cringy, some are goofy, and all of them are fun to discuss because they're, frankly, so damn bizarre.

  1. Would you rather be itchy or sticky for the rest of your life?

  2. Would you rather be able to speak and understand every existing language or know how to talk to animals?

  3. Would you rather give up cheese or give up receiving oral sex forever?

  4. Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers or fingers as long as your legs?

  5. Would you rather accidentally send a nude to your parents or accidentally *gag* receive a nude from your parents?

  6. Would you rather never get tired or never have to go to the bathroom ever again?

  7. Would you rather be able to fly but not walk or be able to read minds but not talk?

  8. Would you rather never be able to pet a dog again or never be able to have an orgasm again?

  9. Would you rather win The Circle on Netflix and gain 50,000 followers or get left at the altar like on Love is Blind on Netflix, but gain 500,000 followers?

  10. Would you rather go a year with no eyelashes or a year with no eyebrows?

Relationship-Related "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask Your Partner

Learn more about your S.O. or potential partner with these love-related "would you rather" questions. Just remember to keep the lines of communication open if you disagree on a question—this is about talking, not judging.

  1. Would you rather commit a serious crime with your partner or turn them in for a serious crime they committed?

  2. Would you rather find out after the fact that your S.O. slept with your bestie or with your worst enemy?

  3. Would you rather get married after one month of dating or never get married?

  4. Would you rather outlive your partner or your partner outlives you?😥

  5. Would you rather still be friends with an ex or never talk to them again?

  6. Would you rather have seven kids or no kids?

  7. Would you rather have a huge wedding or elope?

  8. Would you rather run into your most recent ex or both sets of parents on a first date?

  9. Would you rather only be able to kiss Spider-Man style (upside down) or The Notebook style (in the rain)?

Sexy "Would You Rather" Questions to Ask Your Partner

Heat things up with the sexiest WYR questions around. Who knows? These might just spark the hottest sex of your life. You won't know unless you ask!

  1. Would you rather go to an erotic sex club or have an ultra-romantic date night in?

  2. Would you rather only have car sex or only have shower sex for the rest of your life?

  3. Would you rather never be able to have sex with another person ever again (solo is fine) or never be able to orgasm again?

  4. Would you rather be dominant or submissive in the bedroom?

  5. Would you rather always be on top or always be on the bottom?

  6. Would you rather give or receive oral sex?

  7. Would you rather use a cock ring or a wand vibrator during sex?

  8. Would you rather have a threesome or swap partners with another couple?

  9. Would you rather experiment with temperature play or experiment with power dynamics?

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