Spread Joy (and Luck) on St. Patrick's Day With These Irish Blessings

irish blessings
Read These Irish Blessings on St. Patrick's DayGetty Images

Come March 17, you can catch us celebrating St. Patrick's Day just like the Irish! We'll be listening to Irish songs and wearing our most festive St. Patrick's Day clothing all weekend long. Heck, some of us might even feel inclined to yell out some Irish phrases, like "Top o' the morning!" or "Erin go Bragh!" (Those would make for a good St. Patrick's Day Instagram captions, too!) But if you're really looking for ways to spread joy and luck on the holiday, just read these warm Irish blessings that are sure to fill anyone's day with good fortune.

Some of the blessings and sayings on this list celebrate the beauty of Ireland, while others wish fortune upon you and yours. These St. Patrick's Day quotes are the perfect sentimental message to share with those who are dear to you. If your family is from Ireland, use these blessings to celebrate your heritage and family history. Even if you aren't Irish, send one or two of these Irish prayers to someone in your life who you care about. For instance, you can say: "May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold, and at the end of your rainbows, may you find a pot of gold." You can even incorporate these sayings into your St. Patrick's Day decorations by turning them into a print and framing it. Consider it a St. Patrick's Day tradition!

Here's to Toasting to His Health

St. Patrick was a gentleman

Who through strategy and stealth

Drove all the snakes from Ireland.

Here's toasting to his health.

But not too many toastings

Lest you lose yourself and then

Forget the good St. Patrick

And see all those snakes again.

best irish blessings
Kinga Krzeminska - Getty Images

In Your Smiles and Your Tears

When the first light of sun,

Bless you.

When the long day is done,

Bless you.

In your smiles and your tears,

Bless you.

Through each day of your years,

Bless you.

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Tiffani Photography - Getty Images

Health and Long Life to You

Health and long life to you,

Land without rent to you,

A child every year to you,

If you can't go to Heaven,

May you die in Ireland.

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Alan Currie - Getty Images

An Old Irish Recipe

An old Irish recipe for longevity:

Leave the table hungry.

Leave the bed sleepy.

Leave the bar thirsty.

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pawel.gaul - Getty Images

Gladness Waiting Everywhere

Lucky stars above you,

Sunshine on your way,

Many friends to love you,

Joy in work and play.

Laughter to outweigh each care,

In your heart a song,

And gladness waiting everywhere

All your whole life long.

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David Soanes Photography - Getty Images

May God Grant You

May God grant you always...

A sunbeam to warm you,

A moonbeam to charm you,

A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.

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levers2007 - Getty Images

Blessings of Light Be Upon You

May the blessings of light be upon you,

Light without and light within.

And in all your comings and goings,

May you ever have a kindly greeting

From them you meet along the road.

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mikroman6 - Getty Images

A Bright Future

May the saddest day of your future be no worse

Than the happiest day of your past.

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maydays - Getty Images

The Purest Glory

To live above with the Saints we love,

Ah, that is the purest glory.

To live below with the Saints we know,

Ah, that is another story.

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levers2007 - Getty Images

Saving Grace

Grant me a sense of humor, Lord,

The saving grace to see a joke,

To win some happiness from life,

And pass it on to other folk.

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levers2007 - Getty Images

May Luck Be Your Friend

May luck be your friend in whatever you do

And may trouble always be a stranger to you.

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mikroman6 - Getty Images

Glasses Off the Table

My Friends are the best friends

Loyal, willing and able.

Now let's get to drinking!

All glasses off the table!

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Daniel Allan - Getty Images

Joys That Surround You

May green be the grass you walk on,

May blue be the skies above you,

That pure be the joys that surround you,

May true be the hearts that love you.

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Atlantide Phototravel - Getty Images

Lucky to Be Irish

If you're lucky enough to be Irish...

You're lucky enough!

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Sean De Burca - Getty Images

Every Beginning Is Week

When a twig grows hard it is difficult to twist it.

Every beginning is weak.

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Travelpix Ltd - Getty Images

A Guardian Angel Always Near

These things, I warmly wish for you.

Someone to love, some work to do,

A bit of o' sun, a bit o' cheer.

And a guardian angel always near.

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AvailableLight - Getty Images

Each Petal On The Shamrock

For each petal on the shamrock, this brings a wish your way:

Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and every day.

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Atlantide Phototravel - Getty Images

Good Luck Pursue You

May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light.

May good luck pursue you each morning and night.

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AlbertoLoyo - Getty Images

May God Give You

May God give you:

For every storm, a rainbow.

For every tear, a smile.

For every care, a promise.

A blessing in each trial.

For every problem life sends,

A faithful friend to share.

For every sigh, a sweet song,

And an answer for each prayer.

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espiegle - Getty Images

Warm Your Soul

May the embers from the open hearth warm your hands,

May the sun's rays from the Irish sky warm your face,

May the children's bright smiles warm your heart,

May the everlasting love I give you warm your soul.

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Will & Deni McIntyre - Getty Images

At The End of Your Rainbows

May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold,

And at the end of your rainbows, may you find a pot of gold.

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Atlantide Phototravel - Getty Images

The Insight to Know

May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been,

The foresight to know where you are going

And the insight to know when you have gone too far.

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Kinga Krzeminska - Getty Images

Winds of Fortune

May the winds of fortune sail you,

May you sail a gentle sea.

May it always be the other guy

Who says this drink's on me.

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David Soanes Photography - Getty Images

The Mist of Irish Magic

May the mist of Irish magic shorten every road,

And may your friends remember the favors you are owed.

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The Good Brigade - Getty Images

The Joys of Today

May the joys of today

Be those of tomorrow.

The goblets of life

Hold no dregs of sorrow.

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Andrea Pistolesi - Getty Images

Friends Gathered

May the roof above us never fall in.

And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.

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Will & Deni McIntyre - Getty Images

Until We've Learned to Smile

We cannot share this sorrow

If we haven't grieved a while.

Nor can we feel another's joy

Until we've learned to smile.

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Malthe Rendtorff Zimakoff / 500px - Getty Images

Rate a Mansion in Heaven

May you live long,

Die happy,

And rate a mansion in heaven.

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Allan Baxter - Getty Images

Roaring Flames of Your Love

When the roaring flames of your love have burned down to embers,

May you find that you’ve married your best friend.

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Mystockimages - Getty Images

Three Welcomes

May you always find three welcomes in life

In a garden during summer,

At a hearth during winter,

And in the hearts of friends throughout all your years.

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Pierre Leclerc / EyeEm - Getty Images

Those That Don't Love Us

May those who love us love us.

And those that don't love us,

May God turn their hearts.

And if He doesn't turn their hearts,

May he turn their ankles,

So we'll know them by their limping.

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Sean De Burca - Getty Images

Blessing of the King

Like the goodness of the five loaves and two fishes,

Which God divided among the five thousand men,

May the blessing of the King who so divided

Be upon our share of this common meal.

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Walter Bibikow - Getty Images

A Fellow Who Smiles

Here's to a fellow who smiles

When life runs along like a song.

And here's to the lad who can smile

When everything goes dead wrong.

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Walter Bibikow - Getty Images

May The Lord Keep You

May the Lord keep you in His hand

And never close His fist too tight.

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Holger Leue - Getty Images

Every Gentle Wind

May brooks and trees and singing hills

Join in the chorus, too.

And every gentle wind that blows

Send happiness to you.

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Andrea Pistolesi - Getty Images

A World of Wishes

May you have:

A world of wishes at your command.

God and his angels close to hand.

Friends and family their love impart,

And Irish blessings in your heart.

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Your Enemies' Enemies

Here's to the health of your enemies' enemies.

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May You Have Love

May you have love that never ends,

Lots of money, and lots of friends.

Health be yours, whatever you do,

And may God send many blessings to you!

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Remember to Forget

Always remember to forget

The things that made you sad.

But never forget to remember

The things that made you glad.

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Bless You and Yours

Bless you and yours,

As well as the cottage you live in.

May the roof overhead be well-thatched,

And those inside be well-matched.

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As Healthy as a Trout

May you escape the gallows, avoid distress,

And be as healthy as a trout.

Wishing you a pot o' gold,

And all the joy your heart can hold.

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May the Leprechauns Dance

May the leprechauns dance over your bed and bring you sweet dreams.

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May Your Feet Never Sweat

May your feet never sweat,

your neighbor gives you ne're a treat.

When flowers bloom, I hope you'll not sneeze,

and may you always have someone to squeeze!

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The Banister of Life

As you slide down the banister of life,

May the splinters never point the wrong way.

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May God Be With You

May God be with you and bless you.

May you see your children's children.

May you be poor in misfortune, rich in blessings.

May you know nothing but happiness.

From this day forward.

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May Peace and Plenty Bless Your World

May peace and plenty bless your world

With a joy that long endures

And may all life's passing seasons

Bring the best to you and yours.

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Strong Shoes for a Stony Path

If God sends you down a stony path

May He give you strong shoes.

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May the Raindrops Fall Lightly

May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow.

May the soft winds freshen your spirit.

May the sunshine brighten your heart.

May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you.

And may God enfold you in His love.

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Happiness Is a Dessert

Happiness being a dessert so sweet,

May life give you more than you can ever eat.

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May the Luck of the Irish Possess You

May the luck of the Irish possess you.

May the devil fly off with your worries.

May God bless you forever and ever.

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May the Grace of God's Protection

May the grace of God's protection

And His great love abide

Within your home and within the hearts

Of all who dwell inside.

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Here's Health and Prosperity

Here's health and prosperity,

To you and all your posterity,

And them that doesn't drink with sincerity,

That they be damned for all eternity.

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May Your Glass Be Ever Full

May your glass be ever full.

May the roof over your head be always strong.

And may you be in heaven half an hour

Before the devil knows you're dead.

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May You Always Have Walls for the Winds

May you always have walls for the winds,

A roof for the rain, tea beside the fire,

Laughter to cheer you, those you love near you,

And all your heart might desire.

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May You Get All Your Wishes

May you get all your wishes but one

So you always have something to strive for.

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May the Road Rise Up to Meet You

May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

ireland, kerry county st finians bay, view of puffin island
Atlantide Phototravel - Getty Images

May Peace and Plenty Be the First

May peace and plenty be the first

To lift the latch to your door.

And happiness be your guest today and evermore.

fanad head lighthouse, county donegal, ulster region, republic of ireland, europe
© Marco Bottigelli - Getty Images

Ireland, It's the One Place on Earth

Ireland, it's the one place on earth

That heaven has kissed

With melody, mirth,

And meadow and mist.

the sheep is standing to the right in front of the old fort it is standing on very saturated green grass theres gentle slopes in the background
Stefan Bernhard - Getty Images

May the Irish Hills Caress You

May the Irish hills caress you.

May her lakes and rivers bless you.

May the luck of the Irish enfold you.

May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.

beautiful place on ireland when you can do some hiking and enjoy nature
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May Your Blessings Outnumber

May your blessings outnumber

The shamrocks that grow.

And may trouble avoid you

Wherever you go.

shamrocks growing between rocks
Natee Srisuk / EyeEm - Getty Images

May the Friendships You Make

May the friendships you make,

Be those which endure,

And all of your grey clouds

Be small ones for sure.

And trusting in Him

To Whom we all pray,

May a song fill your heart,

Every step of the way.

tourists taking selfies while on vacation in dublin ireland
davidf - Getty Images

May There Always Be Work for Your Hands to Do

May there always be work for your hands to do,

May your purse always hold a coin or two.

May the sun always shine warm on your windowpane,

May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.

May the hand of a friend always be near you,

And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

pier at the port of clifden at high tide, boats anchored with mirror reflection in the water, sunny spring day with a blue sky and abundant white clouds in clifden, ireland
Foto Para Ti - Getty Images

May Your Troubles Be Less

May your troubles be less

And your blessings be more.

And nothing but happiness

Come through your door.

cobh county cork, ireland with a row of colorful houses with cobh catherdral against a dramatic skyline
benstevens - Getty Images

May You Be Poor in Misfortune

May you be poor in misfortune,

Rich in blessings,

Slow to make enemies,

Quick to make friends.

But rich or poor, quick or slow,

May you know nothing but happiness

From this day forward.

ounty kerry ireland
Peter McCabe / Design Pics - Getty Images

Ireland, It's the One Place on Earth

Ireland, it’s the one place on earth

That heaven has kissed

With melody, mirth,

And meadow and mist.

doonagore castle sunset in county clare, republic of ireland
kelvinjay - Getty Images

May Your Thoughts Be as Glad as the Shamrocks

May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks.

May your heart be as light as a song.

May each day bring you bright happy hours,

That stay with you all year long.

a mare and her colt, horses from connemara, in a field on the peninsula of rinvyle these horses are renowned for their elegance and robustness ardnagreevagh, rinvyle peninsula, connemara, county of galway, ireland
Aurélien Pottier - Getty Images

May the Leprechauns Be Near You

May the leprechauns be near you,

To spread luck along your way.

And may all the Irish angels,

Smile upon you St. Patrick's Day.

wesport, county mayao, ireland
Travelpix Ltd - Getty Images

Now Sweetly Lies Old Ireland

Now sweetly lies old Ireland

Emerald green beyond the foam,

Awakening sweet memories,

Calling the heart back home.

a red house in the ireland countryside the cloudy sky in contrast with the green of the fields
LucaDAddezio - Getty Images

May You Have Warm Words on a Cold Evening

May you have warm words on a cold evening,

A full moon on a dark night,

And the road downhill all the way to your door

coumeenoole beach slea head, dingle peninsula, county kerry, munster province, ireland, europe
© Marco Bottigelli - Getty Images

Here's to You and Yours

Here's to you and yours

And to mine and ours.

And if mine and ours

Ever come across to you and yours,

I hope you and yours will do

As much for mine and ours

As mine and ours have done

For you and yours!

scenic view of gap of dunloe, county kerry, ireland
e55evu - Getty Images

May Your Heart Be Warm and Happy

May your heart be warm and happy

With the lilt of Irish laughter

Every day in every way

And forever and ever after.

trinity college dublin in spring
Dave G Kelly - Getty Images

May the Luck of the Irish

May the luck of the Irish

Lead to happiest heights

And the highway you travel

Be lined with green lights.

famous shopping area in dublin, ireland grafton street showing shoppers, shops and church
jamegaw - Getty Images

For the Test of the Heart Is Trouble

For the test of the heart is trouble

And it always comes with years.

And the smile that is worth the praises of earth

Is the smile that shines through the tears.

ireland sunset at a lake with sheep near clifden, roundstone and connemara in ireland
mbrand85 - Getty Images

Ireland, Sir, for Good or Evil

Ireland, sir, for good or evil,

No other place under Heaven.

And no man can touch its sod

Or breathe its air without becoming

Better or worse.

baily lighthouse, howth, county dublin, ireland
Roberto Moiola / Sysaworld - Getty Images

May Your Right Hand Always

May your right hand always

Be stretched out in friendship

And never in want.

muckross house and garden near killarney is a major tourist attraction
Frank_Lu - Getty Images

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