6 Cheap Home Renovations You’ll Probably Regret

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Feverpitched / Getty Images

Home renovations can be an essential part of homeownership, often presenting an opportunity to personalize your space and increase its value. While renovation costs can add up, there are several affordable things you can do to spruce up your home.

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The only issue is that some cheap projects may not produce the best results or be long lasting. Here are 6 cheap renovations (under $50) you’ll probably regret.

1. Cheap Paint

A DIY paint job gives you more control over the total budget, but it’s also important to choose quality materials. Cheap paint may appear thin or streaky and require more coats to finish which means you’ll spend even more money for a mediocre result. Certain brands are also prone to chipping and may be harder to clean.

Additionally, if you choose low quality paint for a high moisture area like bathrooms or kitchens, you might experience mold or peeling. Instead, invest in mid-range to high-quality paint especially for those higher traffic areas in your home.

2. Stick on Tile

Peel-and-stick tiling, ranging from $0.50 to $25 per square foot, is a tempting solution for those who want a quick fix and to avoid tiling grout. Unfortunately, these types of tiles can have a reputation for their poor adherence and may loosen over time. This type of product may not be a durable, long-term solution that ceramic tiles can provide. It also might not provide the same look as actual tile up close.

If you’re looking to revamp your kitchen or bath, invest in quality, traditional tiles. While it may require more work upfront and cost a little more, it will ensure a professional finish that lasts. Look for ‘thin set’ or ‘mastic’ adhesive that’s designed to hold tiles firmly in place.

3. Too Much Wallpaper

A contemporary and quick fix for homes with bland walls, peel-and-stick wallpaper can add patterns and color. But beware, this is a temporary solution. Cheap wallpaper can damage walls and while it’s easy to apply, it’s often a struggle to remove.

Also, it’s key not to go overboard. Covering every wall in a bold print can quickly lead to visual overload. Patterns that once felt modern and fresh can seem dated and overpowering, making the room seem smaller.

4. Window Treatments and Blinds

Cheap blinds and window treatments which can range anywhere from $10 to $20, can be a recipe for disaster. They may look fine at first, but they’re often constructed with poorly constructed material that breaks easily. For example, your window blinds shouldn’t break or tear after just a few months of normal use. This can also be a safety hazard for pets and small children.

When it comes to curtains, the cheapest options are very sheer and also made with poorer materials. This may not provide much of a benefit unless you’re looking for this type of effect. It’s worth spending a little more on window coverings that are sturdy and meet safety standards, particularly if you have a busy household. Look for cordless options and check reviews for quality materials that will stand the test of time.

5. Flimsy Cabinet Hardware

Cabinet hardware ranges from $2 to $50 per piece. Choosing the cheapest hardware could lead to handles and knobs that feel loose and wobbly over time. Instead, opt for materials that are sturdy and resistant to corrosion, such as stainless steel or solid brass.

6. Low-Grade Flooring

New flooring ranges from $4 to $15 per square foot and flooring materials range from $1 to $50 per square foot. Cheap flooring can be alluring for the initial cost savings, but it often doesn’t hold up well under regular use. Poor quality laminate and vinyl planks that are thin and easy to dent can quickly look worn may not be very waterproof.

When considering new flooring, assess your needs and budget. Then look for thicker planks or tiles with realistic textures that can withstand the everyday activity in your household.

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Budget-friendly home renovations can be incredibly fulfilling and, with the right approach, can result in a beautifully personalized space that resonates with your unique style. However, the sweet spot lies in choosing projects that offer not just immediate gratification but also align with the long-term strategy for your home. It pays to shop around and also consider quality in addition to your budget.

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: 6 Cheap Home Renovations You’ll Probably Regret
