50 Presidential Trivia Questions and Answers To Show Your Love for American History

Leading the free world is a hard job! From those who shattered glass ceilings to leaders who served as war heroes to those who resigned in disgrace, there is a lot more to every single one of the United States presidents than most realize (and than many of us learn in school). From the American Revolution to today, get patriotic with these presidential trivia questions and answers, which may stump even the biggest history buffs!

Enjoy reading through this fun list of Q&As as you celebrate Presidents' Day on Monday, Feb. 19, 2024.

Presidential Trivia Questions and Answers

Question: Which of the first 12 presidents was the first to not own slaves?
John Adams

Question: Which president was the last to own slaves? 
Answer: Ulysses S. Grant

Question: Who is the oldest living president?
Answer: Jimmy Carter

Question: What president lived the longest?
Answer: Jimmy Carter

Question: Who was the first president to die in office? 
Answer: William Henry Harrison

Question: Which president warned against political parties, long-term foreign alliances and strict geographical divides in his farewell address? 
Answer: George Washington

Question: Which president banned alcohol from the White House at the behest of his first lady?
Answer: Rutherford B. Hayes

Related: 115 of Abraham Lincoln’s Most Memorable Quotes in Honor of Presidents Day

Question: Which president survived an assassination attempt 69 days into his term?
Ronald Reagan

Question: Which president organized the Citizens Cornet Band to play at political rallies for both parties?
Warren G. Harding

Question: Which president posed with a newspaper that declared his opponent the winner of their election? 
Harry S. Truman

Question: Which president purchased the land that's now southern Arizona and part of southern New Mexico?
Franklin Pierce

Question: Which president was described as "so honest that if you turned his soul inside out there would not be a spot on it?"
James Monroe

Question: Which president served as vice president for his political nemesis?
Thomas Jefferson (for John Adams)

Question: Author Washington Irving described which president as "a withered little apple-john?"
James Madison

Question: Which president served two non-consecutive terms?
Grover Cleveland

Question: Which president used slave labor to build his Hermitage residence near Nashville? 
Andrew Jackson

Question: Author Patricia Reilly Giff's series of children's novels take place in an elementary school named after which president?
James K. Polk

Related: Get Ready for Presidents' Day With 125 Quotes From George Washington

Question: Which president also served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?
William Howard Taft

Question: Which president signed the Sherman Anti-Trust Act in the first known legislative effort to prevent monopolies?
Benjamin Harrison

Question: Who is the only president to be born on July 4?
Calvin Coolidge

Question: Which president succeeded the first president to ever resign from office?
Gerald R. Ford

Question: Who was the first Roman Catholic president?
John F. Kennedy

Question: Which vice president challenged who would later be their running mate over his stance on school segregation?
Kamala Harris

Question: Which president was known as a "little magician?"
Martin Van Buren

Question: Which president was elected to his second term after suffering a heart attack?
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Question: Which president was the fourth to win the Nobel Peace Prize?
Barack Obama

Question: Which president watched the Battle of Bunker Hill from his family farm as a child?
John Quincy Adams

Related: Madame Vice President Is Speaking: 107 Inspiring Kamala Harris Quotes 

Question: Which president is the first to have a rescue dog while in office? 
Joe Biden

Question: Which president won re-election with the widest popular vote margin in history?
Lyndon B. Johnson

Question: Alexander Graham Bell tried desperately to help save the life of which president who'd been shot?
James Garfield

Question: Though his opponent won the popular vote, the Supreme Court eventually declared which president the victor of the Electoral College in 2000? 
George W. Bush

Question: Which president began his second inaugural address with the words, "With malice toward none; with charity for all?" 
Abraham Lincoln

Question: Whose presidency saw the creation of the Federal Trade Commission?
Woodrow Wilson

Question: Which president introduced the Social Security program?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Question: Which president's appeal was attributed to both his military record and his ownership of 100 slaves?
Zachary Taylor

Question: Which president was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery in action in World War II?
George H. W. Bush

Question: Which president got stuck in a bathtub?
William Howard Taft

Question: Germany declared war on France just one week before which president planned to celebrate his 40th birthday in London?
Herbert Hoover

Question: Which president ended the draft?
Richard Nixon

Question: Which president has a middle initial that literally stands for nothing?
Harry S. Truman

Question: Which president founded the University of Virginia?
Thomas Jefferson

Question: Who was the first vice president to succeed the presidency upon death of their predecessor?
John Tyler

Question: Who was the first president to be born in the United States?
Martin Van Buren

Question: Who was the first president to campaign by telephone?
William McKinley

Question: Which president considered becoming a professional saxophone player before turning to politics?
Bill Clinton

Question: Which president was injured in the Revolutionary War?
James Monroe

Question: Which president oversaw the move of the United States embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem?
Donald Trump

Question: Who was the first president to live in the White House?
John Adams

Question: Which president worked as a model for Cosmopolitan magazine in the 1940s?
Gerald R. Ford

Question: The term "O.K." is derived from which president's nickname?
Martin Van Buren (Old Kinderhook)

Want more great trivia? Check out 101 Trivia Questions for KidsMovie Trivia and The Office Trivia.
