5 Crystals You Should Absolutely Have in Your Home

3d render, assorted colored spiritual crystals isolated on white background, reiki healing quartz, rough nuggets, faceted gemstones, semiprecious gems
A Beginner's Guide to Using Crystalswacomka - Getty Images

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You ended up on this story because you want to embark on a sparkling journey into the world of healing crystals. But as a beginner, you don't know the ins and outs, especially because different ones have different purposes, and it's not obvious to those who have never used them. This guide aims to take you from crystal newbie to an empowered, stone-savvy individual ready to enhance your life with these beautiful, energy-infused gifts from Mother Earth.

How do crystals work?

For a little background, these natural wonders — formed over millions of years — absorb the Earth's energy. "[They] have an internal geometrically symmetrical internal structure... which enables them to change moods or auras at a vibrational level in tune with their own structure and wavelength," says Kerry Ward, co-creator of The Crystal Magic Tarot. "They amplify your strengths, block negative influences, dissolve tension or stress, and attract good opportunities and people."

What are crystals used for?

For thousands of years, cultures around the world have revered them for their healing properties. Oftentimes, "crystals are generally used to harness our intentions and are used as a point of focus in our manifestations," according to Talisa, an intuitive tarot reader, astrologer, teacher, co-founder of Two Wander x Elysium Rituals, and author of "The Complete Crystal Guidebook For High Vibes."

They can be used to ground and center your energy as well. "They can act as mindfulness reminders throughout the day, and as guides, protectors, and comforters in moments of stress, anxiety, or general day-to-day use," she added.

Holding hematite, for instance, can be powerfully grounding when you are around busy crowds. Talisa believes crystals are "most powerful when harnessed in tandem with your own energy and intention."

Each crystal has a unique vibrational energy that can be used to balance our own energy or that of our surroundings. They're often used to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Not to mention, they can also help in manifesting intentions, protecting against negativity, and improving concentration or creativity.

Think of crystals as tools that can help you tap into your innermost potential. They won't do the work for you, but they can support you, amplify your intentions, and facilitate a deep connection with yourself and the universe.

Best crystals for beginners

Starting your crystal collection can be exciting, but also overwhelming. There are so many to choose from! "The most popular crystals for beginners are probably clear or rose quartz. Rose quartz is the heart healer and brings soothing, comforting, peaceful vibes to those who wear or sit with it (many keep one by their bedside or under their pillow)," says Ward. "Clear quartz is the MVP all-rounder of the crystal world and can help cleanse, shield, protect, amplify and balance your whole aura."

Here's a quick starter guide to the most popular crystals:

Clear Quartz

Photo credit: Crissy1982 - Getty Images
Photo credit: Crissy1982 - Getty Images

Known as the "master healer," clear quartz can amplify your energy and thought processes. It's also said to boost the benefits of other crystals, making it a great starter stone. To use it, try holding it in your hand or place it on your "third eye chakra" (between your eyes) during meditation. You can also wear it as jewelry to carry its healing energy with you throughout the day.


Rose Quartz

Photo credit: Santiago Urquijo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Santiago Urquijo - Getty Images

Are you looking to attract love or enhance self-love? Rose quartz is perfect for this. It's believed to open up the heart chakra, encouraging forgiveness, compassion, and love in all forms. To use it, integrate it right into your self-care routine by holding it in your hand during moments of self-reflection. You can also display it in your bedroom, like on a bedside table, to promote a loving and harmonious environment and encourage sweet dreams.



Photo credit: Nico De Pasquale Photography - Getty Images
Photo credit: Nico De Pasquale Photography - Getty Images

This beautiful purple stone is known for its calming and intuitive properties. It's often used to help reduce stress and anxiety. Plus, it's said to assist with spiritual growth and psychic abilities. To use it, hold it while practicing intuitive activities like tarot reading or pendulum work. You can also integrate it into a ritual to consecrate and energize a sacred space in your home, like an altar. Doing so will promote spiritual connection and protection.



Photo credit: jonnysek - Getty Images
Photo credit: jonnysek - Getty Images

Known as the "success stone," citrine is believed to attract abundance and personal power. It's often used to help manifest goals and intentions, particularly those related to career and wealth. To use it, keep a small piece of citrine in your pocket, purse, or wallet. Its energy can serve as a personal talisman for attracting abundance, prosperity, and positive energy throughout the day. You can also place it in the southeast corner of your home or office is considered the wealth corner in Feng Shui terms.


Black Tourmaline

Photo credit: gsaielli - Getty Images
Photo credit: gsaielli - Getty Images

If protection is what you seek, black tourmaline is your go-to. It's considered a powerful grounding stone, known for its ability to ward off negative energy. To use it, wear black tourmaline as a pendant, bracelet, or earrings so you can carry its protective energy with you throughout the day. It forms a barrier between you and negative energies, helping to maintain a sense of calm and stability. You can also place it near the entrances of your home or office to create a protective shield that helps prevent negative energies from entering your space.


How to use crystals

There's no right or wrong way to incorporate crystals into your life. Anything goes! Whether you choose to wear them, meditate with them, or simply place them in your living space, they can serve as beautiful reminders of your intentions and goals.

Ward also recommends:

  • To receive the full benefit of crystals, you need to keep them close (ideally on skin, which is why jewelry is a popular option).

  • Cleanse your crystals regularly to keep them working well.

  • Place crystals under running water, in the sun or moon light, or bury in salt or earth, or waft smoke over them to reboot and recalibrate their power.

What to know before you buy a crystal

Are you ready to get started? Step into a crystal shop or visit Crystals.com. Still not sure what to buy? "Usually the crystal you are most drawn to in a shop is the one you need at that moment," explains Talisa.

While you can certainly Google to find out which crystals you might be interested in, Talisa also recommends to reach within yourself to make a choice. "The most important resource is your own intuition and felt perceptions when around a crystal," Talisa points out.

In addition, you should also consider sustainability when shopping for healing crystals, regardless of type. Do your research to make sure the one you're buying was ethically sourced. That means, they weren't mined from environmentally sensitive areas, and that habitat destruction and pollution was not a result. You can also opt for locally-sourced crystals as transportation of them can be energy-intensive. Understanding the carbon footprint associated with your crystal purchase can also steer you in the right direction if you're trying to be as eco-conscious as possible. If you're unsure but want to buy from companies that align with your sustainable values, you can always ask them if they have certifications, like Fair Trade or organizations that provide transparency about their sourcing and production practices.

Bottom line: This guide is just the beginning. As you dive deeper into the world of crystals, you'll discover more about these intriguing allies from the earth, and importantly, what works best for you. The crystal journey is deeply personal and intuitive, so trust your instincts and have fun exploring!

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