It’s the 3rd-worst snow in his 22 years of tow truck driving. Here’s what he’s telling Whatcom

This is the third worst snowfall in his 22 years of tow truck driving, according to Johnson’s Towing Manager Jared Babich.

“The roads are not good, there is ice underneath the snow and it is making it not a good commute,” Babich said. “People are driving too fast and if they don’t have to leave, they shouldn’t.”

The owners at Berk’s Towing said they are too busy to help most people and are focusing most of their efforts on helping emergency vehicles such as ambulances and snowplows. Owners Rita and Kerry Ratzlaff have been in the towing industry since 1993.

“Things are really, really bad,” Rita Ratzlaff said. “There are trucks all over the place, in the ditch, and we are slammed. The phone just rings off the hook.”

People who have to drive should prepare to lose control and get stuck by bringing blankets and extra water. Tow trucks across Whatcom County are working non-stop to get people out of ditches and snowbanks, meaning it can take hours for help to arrive, according to both the Ratzlaffs and Babich.

“Be prepared, a lot of people are unprepared,” Babich said. “You might be waiting a while, we can’t even give ETAs right now, we just say we will get there when we get there, might give you a call when we are on our way to see if you still need us.”

The operators said drivers need to realize that the tow trucks are not magic, and deal with the same snowy conditions as everyone else. There are some places they simply cannot get to because of dense snow and steep hills.

Babichsaid most drivers are just trying to help as much as they can, but still make it home to their families. The Ratzlaffs told The Bellingham Herald they are getting calls from drivers who need help, but the tow truck operators simply don’t have the ability or time to help them.
