30 Weird Valentine's Gifts Your Sweetheart Will Be Sweet On

Having a one-of-a-kind love affair is a great thing ― except where Valentine’s Day is concerned.

The holiday’s focus on generic gifts like cards, flowers and candy forces everyone into a romantic box where one size is expected to fit all.

Considering that your love is such a unique person ― OK, weirdo ― being required to pick the same ordinary gifts can be confining.

Well, confine yourself no more! HuffPost Weird News has compiled a list of gifts sure to make the heart of even the weirdest person palpitate with excitement. Some are definitely NSFW.

Whether it’s a one-pound chocolate lobster, a booby-shaped pillow or a baloney face mask, your Valentine will sure get a “heart on” for all these products.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
