30 Emoji Riddles to Stump Your Friends

Combined image of emojis and plus signs
Combined image of emojis and plus signs

If you love Pictionary, you’ll absolutely get a kick out of these emoji riddles—and all you need is your phone. Text your friends to see if you can stump them or even share on Facebook for a larger group activity. While some are easier than others, they will certainly get you thinking. Maybe you can even come up with a few ideas of your own! If you’re looking for ways to challenge yourself beyond just these emoji riddles, try some rebus puzzles, these tricky “what am I?” riddles, and even get your children in on the fun with the best riddles for kids. And if those are even too easy for you, we guarantee these challenging riddles will trick you.

The post 30 Emoji Riddles to Stump Your Friends appeared first on Reader's Digest.
