3-year-old being attacked by dog is rescued by ‘hero’ brothers, Arkansas family says

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Young brothers are being described as “heroes” after saving their 3-year-old sister from a dog attack, their Arkansas family says.

The attack reportedly happened Sunday, Dec. 11 at the children’s grandma’s home in El Paso, Arkansas, about 35 miles north of Little Rock.

“It was the worst day of my entire life ever,” Brenda Hrubes, the grandmother of the children, told KARK.

According to a GoFundMe, 3-year-old Annsley was playing in the backyard at her grandmother’s home when the neighbors’ dogs darted toward her. Her 6-year-old brother, Declan, tried to intervene but was then “attacked viciously.”

The oldest of the boys, 10-year-old Aiden, stepped in to get the dogs off his siblings and received the brunt of the injuries.

“My 10-year-old grandson was laying there saying, ‘I’m dying, ‘Bren bren I’m dying, tell everyone I love them’,” Hrubes told KARK.

Declan received 10 stitches spread from his back to his leg, according to his mother, Caitlin Mayo.

“Aiden, man, this kid is the bravest, best big brother ever,” Mayo said in a Facebook post. “The doctors told my mom if he had not gotten those dogs off Declan, we would be planning a funeral.”

Family members said in the GoFundMe that Aiden had to have surgery following the attack.

“We calculated that his surgery yesterday closed at least 38 vicious wounds,” Hrubes said in a Facebook post. “We found a new bite on the back of his head that still needs to be cleaned and treated.”

Their father, Jacob Moore, said Declan and Aiden are “true heroes.”

“We knew that these boys were gonna be special, we just had no idea how right we were,” the parents said in the GoFundMe. “We could not be more proud of them than we are right now.”

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