3 Bernedoodle Puppies Rescued From Hot Car While Selfish Human Dines at Disney World

On May 4 authorities in Orange County, Florida, responded to a call that there were fur Bernedoodle puppies trapped inside a hot parked car in a Disney Springs parking garage.

One of the little puppies was found unresponsive and despite intervention by first responders and a local Veterinary Emergency Clinic, the puppy had to be euthanized due to the extent of the injuries.

The Facebook post from Orange County Animal Services says, "The remaining three puppies recovered from the ordeal and amazingly, all of them were adopted by the first responders that saved them. This case is being reviewed by Orange County Sheriff's Office, Florida."

Related: Firefighters Save Puppy From Hot Car Before Adopting Him as Their Support Dog

The post then goes on to explain the frustration that animal control and rescue workers face ever year with people leaving dogs in hot cars. "Every year we train our staff in reference to the law, and every year we try and educate our community. Still, every year we find ourselves working heartbreaking cases like this one. Fortunately, our first responder and law enforcement partners are well trained and well aware of the law, and they will not hesitate to take action against such neglect. "

Laws are different in every state, but as the post reminds people, In the state of Florida, the law clearly states that it is illegal to leave an animal locked inside a parked vehicle, unattended, and without adequate ventilation.

What To Do If You See a Dog in a Hot Car

Never leave your dog locked in a car. <p>Aarontphotography/Shutterstock</p>
Never leave your dog locked in a car.


Leaving a dog in a locked car is never a good idea, especially in warmer temperatures. The Humane Society explains that when it's 80 degrees Fahrenheit outside, the temperature inside your car can heat up to 99 degrees Fahrenheit within 10 minutes.

If you do see a dog in a locked car, the first thing you should do is try and locate the owner. if the car is parked in parking lot by a business, alert the management to make an announcement and try to locate the owner.

The Humane Society also states that:

If the owner can't be found, call the non-emergency number of the local police or animal control and wait by the car for them to arrive. In several states, good Samaritans can legally remove animals from cars under certain circumstances, so be sure to know the laws in your area and follow any steps required.

Call your local animal control agency's number and the police department's non-emergency number so you can quickly report the situation, and stay by the car until help arrives.

No dog should be left in a hot car, and it's especially dangerous to leave puppies alone in a car. Thank goodness these little dogs were saved. Our heart breaks for the poor pup who didn't make it, but hopefully stories like this serve as a reminder to people not to leave dogs alone in cars.

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