250 Funny and Clever Roomba Names for Your Robot Vacuum

Roomba vacuum

When it comes to naming your Roomba, or any other brand of robot vacuum, keep in mind that you'll probably be saying this name out loud in front of guests in your home or on the phone with support. That being said, why not choose a name that's guaranteed to make you laugh? Choosing a name that's simply fun to say, or even a "punny" name for something as mundane as a vacuum could just be the uplifting moment of your otherwise gloomy day that brightens your spirits.  

Whether you want to go the funny route, the classic route, or the overly serious (which could end up being even funnier) route, we have a list of the 250 best Roomba names for your robot vacuum!

Why Choose a Name for Your Roomba or Robot Vacuum?

While naming your robot vacuum is a practical necessity (as the system most likely prompts you for a name upon setup) it is also an opportunity to add a bit of fun to your life! And who doesn't like fun?

How to Name Your Robot Vacuum

Have you ever wanted to name a pet something outrageous, but haven't been able to go through with it in fear that it might affect their behavior, or other's behavior toward them? Well, worry no more! If you're wondering how to name your vacuum you've come to the right place. There are no limits to your robot's name, so go wild!

Best Roomba Names

1. Smudge 

2. Simon Says 

3. Dustbuster 

4. Mop Top 

5. Robbie 

6. Sparky 

7. Ash 

8. Beep Boop Bop 

9. iRobot 

10. Goomba 

11. Sneaky Pete 

12. Dora

13. Boots 

14. Dirty Hairy 

15. Boot Scoot 

16. Boogie

17. Thar She Blows 

18. Stuck Under a Chair 

19. Misty 

20. Brave Little Roomba 

Related: If Your Vehicle Doesn't Have a Name, It Needs One! Here Are 250 of the Best Car Name Ideas of All Time

21. Moppet 

22. Metal Man 

23. Rollo 

24. Spam Blocker 

25. Roomsters 

26. Picard

27. Roombulus

28. Buttercup 

29. iRoomba 

30. Q-Tip 

31. Toner 

32. Aang 

33. Boomerang 

34. Wanda 

35. Flatty 

Related: 150 Names That Mean 'Warrior' for Your Tiny Champion

Funny Roomba Names

36. Dusty

37. Super Soaker

38. Scotch Guard

39. Leafy Green

40. DJ Roomba

41. Robbo

42. The Sheriff

43. Muddy Buddy

44. Dry Clean Only

45. Koopa

46. Home Wrecker

47. Brillo

48. Snow White

49. Rob or Bob (Short for Robot)

50. Flat Iron

51. Roly Poly

52. Pig Pen

53. Hot Fuzz

54. Rumpelstiltskin

55. Maytag

56. Fritz

57. Sandcrawler

58. Sawdust

59. Cookie Crumbles

60. Robot Overlord

61. Roomb Roomb (Like Vroom Vroom)

62. Harry

63. Dirty Martini

64. Hockey Puck

65. Squee G.

66. Roombo (Rambo)

67. Who Left This Here

68. Roombert

69. Routine Maintenance

70. Sandy

Related: 150 Medieval Names for Your Baby Knight or Princess

Famous Butler Names for Your Roomba

71. Jeeves

72. Consuela (Family Guy)

73. Nanny McPhee

74. Belvedere

75. Archibald

76. Alfred (Batman)

77. Pennyworth (Batman)

78. Bertram

79. Chauncey

80. Edmund

81. Franklin

82. Graham

83. Higgins

84. Alice (The Brady Bunch)

85. Leopold

86. Pierre

87. Clarence

88. Charlie (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)

89. Mortimer

90. Cinderella

91. Cinderoomba

92. Jarvis (Iron Man)

93. Argus Filch (Harry Potter)

94. Dobby (Harry Potter)

95. Winky (Harry Potter)

96. Kreacher (Harry Potter)

97. Edward

98. Monroe

99. Carlisle

100. Woodhouse (Archer)

101. Montague

102. Grant

103. Frederick

Related: 125 Old-Fashioned Names

Clever Roomba Names

104. Ghostdusters

105. Fleetwood Vac

106. Sweeping Beauty

107. Timon and Roomba

108. Obi-Wan Cleanobi

109. Sir Cleans-A-Lot

110. Sweeping Bag

111. The Germinator

112. Broomhilda

113. Homer (like the Odyssey with the theme or wandering and returning home)

114. Rumba Juice

115. Domo Arigato Mr. Roombato

116. Count Vacuula

117. Dustbin Timberlake

118. Androomba Lloyd Webber

119. Return of the Vac

120. Meryl Sweep

121. Androomba Yang

122. Oompa Roomba

123. Steve McClean

124. Floor of a Kind

125. Herbert Hoover

126. Roompa Loompa

127. Roombus Prime

128. Floorida Man

129. Dustbin Hoffman

130. Mr. Roomba Beat

131. Vlad the Inhaler

132. Vac the Knife

133. Broomba

134. Katniss Everclean

135. Vac-Attack

136. God Save the Clean

137. Optimus Grime

138. Ebeneezer Squeegee

Related: 250 Fantasy Names From Movies, Books and More to Inspire Your Next Character!

Pet-Inspired Roomba Names

139. Simba

140. Nala

141. Yeller

142. Max

143. Rufus

144. Fido

145. Rex

146. Lucky

147. Shadow

148. Chance

149. Milo

150. Poppy

151. Rover

152. Red

153. Spot

154. Clifford

155. Champ

156. Sam

157. Duke

158. Ginger

159. Tigger

160. Felix

161. Tom

162. Smoky

163. Oscar

164. Cooper

165. Sophie

166. Daisy

167. Millie

168. Percy

169. Blue

170. Lewis

171. George

172. Molly

173. Fred

174. Clark

175. Ryder

176. Marley

177. Buddy

178. Lassie

179. Fluffy

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Famous Robot Names for Your Roomba

180. WALL-E

181. EVE

182. Bender (Futurama)

183. Baymax (Big Hero 6)

184. Robby the Robot (Known as "the hardest working robot in Hollywood" first appeared in the film Forbidden Planet)

185. The Iron Giant

186. Data (Star Trek)

187. Atlas (Most advanced humanoid robot that exists today)

188. HAL (Space Odyssey)

189. Gort (The Day the Earth Stood Still)

190. R2-D2

191. C-3PO

192. Astro Boy

193. Ultron (Marvel)

194. Cyborg

195. Android

196. Apple

197. DARYL (Data Analyzing Youth Lifeform)

198. T-800 (The Terminator)

199. Rosey (The Jetsons)

200. Mac (Rosie's romantic interest)

201. Sophia

202. Unimate (one of the earliest robots from the 1950s)

203. Optimus Prime

204. Bishop (Aliens)

205. Blade Runner

206. Robocop

207. Megan

208. Alita

209. Jax (Mortal Kombat)

210. The Terminator

Related: 35 Funny Names for the Toilet—Including the Loo, Dunny & Bog

Cool Roomba Names

211. Whirlpool

212. Spinning Jenny

213. Rotato

214. Piston

215. Whirlwind

216. Quicksilver

217. Don Quixote

218. Mr. Miyagi

219. Karate Kid

220. Rin Tin Tin

221. Hurricane

222. Brass Monkey

223. Old Spinster

224. Windmill

225. Robotina

226. Spin Dr.

227. Ballerina

228. Dirt Reynolds

229. Cyclone

230. Typhoon

231. Clean Latifah

232. Sweeper Agent

233. Twister

234. Blow Hard

235. Spin Cycle

236. Groot

237. Roblox

238. Firebolt

239. Pluto

240. Nimbus

241. Hairy Potter

242. Robomaid

243. Spinster Lady

244. Marvin

245. Furminator

246. Archer

247. Buzz

248. Whirling Dervish

249. Pac-Man

250. Mrs. Pac-Man

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100 Star Names for Boys & Girls (With Outer Space Meanings)
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