2024 is a Leap Year, and it's throwing off the holiday schedule for the rest of the year

It’s Leap Day. Have you decided how you want to spend it?

Some consider the extra day in February a blessing, with additional hours to tackle the growing list of things that seem to never get done. Others aren’t as fond of the idea, which throws off the holiday schedule for the rest of the year — including what was supposed to be a Saturday St. Patrick's Day.

What is Leap Day?

Leap Day, on Feb. 29, is an extra day added to February every four years, with the last taking place in 2020. Typically, February only has 28 days, and is the shortest month of the year. However, according to timeanddate.com, an extra day is added every four years, making it 29 days, or 366 in total, to keep Earth’s orbit around the sun on track.

The Earth takes around 365 days and six hours to circle the sun, while a typical year only has 365 days. Without an extra calendar day added every four years, Leap Day, hours would be lost, and the seasons would shift. According to the website, after 100 years without leap years, the calendar would be off by 24 days, shifting the times of the equinoxes and solstices.

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Will Leap Day throw off other holidays this year?

Leap Day says to forget a Saturday St. Patrick's Day

The 2024 Leap Day robbed the Irish of a Saturday night St. Patrick’s Day celebration this year. In a non-leap year, if a holiday falls on a certain day of the week, the same holiday will fall on the following day the next year. For example, St. Patrick’s Day was celebrated on a Thursday in 2022 and a Friday in 2023.

With a Leap Year, holidays skip a day, with St. Patrick’s Day falling on Sunday, March 17 this year. For those who love to party on the holiday, it’s probably best to take it easy and avoid that Monday morning hangover.

Leap Day impacts Halloween

With the Leap Year, Halloween will fall on Thursday, Oct. 31 this year. In 2023, it was celebrated on a Tuesday.

Leap Year makes it a mid-week Christmas

In 2023, Christmas Eve was celebrated on Sunday, Dec. 24, with Christmas Day on Monday, Dec. 25. This year, Christmas Eve falls on Tuesday, Dec. 24, and Christmas Day on Wednesday, the 25th.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: 2024 Leap Year to impact upcoming holidays this year
