See what celebrities are wearing to vote early


We might be sick of social media’s never-ending onslaught of reminders to vote if they were doing anything other than encouraging people to vote.

But it’s VOTING. And we’re here for all of it, especially when it aligns with one of our other keenest interests: fashion.

#RunwaytothePolls is a new social media movement from I Am A Voter in collaboration with the Council of Fashion Designers of America and the Black in Fashion Council. So far, stars like Mandy Moore, Will Ferrell, Debra Messing and yes, even Barbie, have strutted their stuff to their local mailboxes and voted early to the tune of Lizzo’s “Vote” song, wearing their pre-Election Day best and sharing the whole thing on Instagram Reels.

Barbie, for example, is seen wearing a hot pink suit with a matching mask and white sneakers. Those of us who have spent the past six months wearing mostly sweatpants can’t help but envy this democratic process queen ― er ― doll.

Check out more #RunwaytothePolls posts, from adorable to absolutely chic, below.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
