Everyday items you can weight train with at home

Staying indoors doesn’t mean you have to stop your fitness routine. In fact, even if you don’t have a fully stocked gym in your apartment (which is very, very understandable), there are everyday items you probably already own that you can weight train with.

You might feel silly at first, but trust us, you’ll feel better in the long run.


1 pound is equivalent to 16 ounces, and five pieces of silverware weigh roughly 11.5 ounces. Grab a fistful of cutlery — we recommend spoons to avoid unpleasant poking — and secure the pieces with a hair tie or rubber band. Now you have a makeshift hand weight — get pumping.

Canned soup

Before you pop one open for lunch, know that a can of soup weighs approximately 8.5 ounces. Use one can in each hand to do some reps to keep your arms moving.

Milk carton

Up for more of a challenge? 2 pounds equal 32 ounces, and there are 64 ounces in a standard carton of milk. Holding the carton in both hands above your head, do a tricep extension. With your feet shoulder-width apart, keep your elbows as still as possible and hold for a beat once your arms are fully extended. Or, to tone your sides, hold the carton in one hand and place the other one on your hip, pulling the carton up and down your body without anything but your upper body.

Bag of oats

The average bag of rolled oats weighs 32 ounces or 2 pounds, so why not squat with one? Hold the bag in your hands in front of your body and keep your back straight as you squat down and stand up. Squats promote body-wide muscle building and specifically target your quadriceps, hamstrings and calves.

A sack of potatoes or apples

If you want to take it up a notch, a standard bag of apples from any grocery store will weigh around 3 pounds, while a sack of potatoes can weigh up to 5 pounds. These are also great to lift with because they’re so easy to grip.

A gallon of juice

A gallon bottle of milk, juice or water is 128 ounces or 8 pounds. There’s even a built-in handle to secure your grip on these bad boys, making them the perfect household item to help you get #swole. Plus, it’s an immediate hydration source for when you’re done working out.

Large pot or pan

For heavy-lifters, a typical large pot or pan will weigh 160 ounces or 10 pounds. Place the pot or pan on your back while you do push-ups for an extra boost. Just remember to wash it afterward.

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