Police release stunning security footage of shopper ending parking lot chase with unusual object

A Good Samaritan was filmed heroically pushing his shopping cart to stop a runaway suspected thief in a parking lot.

The Peachtree City Police Department recently released the incredible footage after the event occurred in mid-January.

Police were called to the scene of a local Home Depot after someone noticed two men attempting to shoplift from the store. According to CNN, when officers approached the two men in the parking lot outside, they immediately began to run.

An unknown hero noticed that the chase was headed in his direction and acted quickly. Seemingly without hesitation, the shopper pushed their shopping cart to thwart the escaping suspect.

One suspect fell to the ground and got tangled up in the cart. The whole scene was captured by the security cameras set up in the parking lot. Police were able to catch up to him and arrest him after the fact.

Police said the suspect was found with "small ticket items" and was charged with felony theft and misdemeanor obstruction of justice. The second suspect managed to escape with stolen power tools in a vehicle and avoided getting caught.

Not all heroes wear capes.
