Here's what to do if your partner doesn't want to tidy up with you, according to Marie Kondo

Congratulations! You read Marie Kondo's book and watched her new Netflix series, Tidying Up, and now you're ready to KonMari your own home. But there's one little problem: Your husband/wife/roommate doesn't want to tidy with you. All hope is lost, right? Wrong.

Last night at the 92nd Street Y in New York City, Kondo was answering all the tough questions from her loyal fans after a screening of the series.

So what was Kondo's recommendation for when your partner isn't into tidying up with you? Set your partner aside and focus on yourself first.

That's right: She suggests getting started by using the KonMari method on your own belongings. "It's important to not force that on your partner," Kondo said through an interpreter.

When you resolve to doing it yourself, you're not only fulfilling your own joy, but Kondo adds, "the process is quite infectious."

And what if they still don't buy in after you've decluttered your half of things? Try folding some of their clothes perfectly. "Everyone loves folded clothes," Kondo said. (And we couldn't agree more.)
