How do you become a millionaire? Here are 7 ways to end up with $1M.

Becoming a millionaire might seem like a pipe dream, but it’s certainly not impossible. At the end of 2016, there were actually 10.8 million millionaires in the United States — and that number only keeps growing. Sure, some rich folks inherited their wealth, but there are plenty of self-made millionaires, too.

How do they do it? Some start a business while others carefully save a chunk of their income every month. Most live below their means by keeping housing expenses low, driving used cars and always looking for ways to cut costs on everything from food to fun.

After all, building wealth is about more than any one single trick. But if you’re looking for your best way to reach $1 million, we’ve got some creative ideas for you. With a little dedication, you have multiple paths to becoming a millionaire.

Here are seven ways to do it — for real:

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