Gay rights pioneer Edith Windsor dies at 88

Edith Windsor, the lesbian New Yorker whose landmark legal case paved the way for gay marriage, has died at 88.

The longtime Greenwich Village resident was the plaintiff in Windsor vs. U.S., a 2013 Supreme Court case that knocked down the Defense of Marriage Act’s discrimination against LGBT couples in 2013.

Windsor, known for remaining bubbly and upbeat during her legal battle, asked for a tax refund after her Canadian marriage to Thea Spyer was not recognized by the U.S. government when Spyer died in 2009.

The 2013 Supreme Court decision allowed same-sex married couples to receive federal benefits, and contributed to the legal reasoning behind 2015’s Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized gay marriage across the U.S.

Windsor re-married last year to Judith Kasen-Windsor, 52, who first confirmed her death to the New York Times.
